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Everything posted by ScRaB4ever

  1. well i didnt understand im comfused. i want to have remote access. what has to do with creating a new connection?
  2. could you be more specific please?
  3. hello. i want to add remote access to my database i use mysql can someone help me? ty
  4. yy ayto 8a doylepsei omws den 8a mpwrw na to anoigoxkleinw dld na to kanw tru h false opote 8elw to h8ela gia ta boss oste na petane katw ta pragmata, alla brhka to java code se ena post edwpera. opws kai na exei se eyxarhstw polly gia th boh8eia!!!
  5. krima gamoto.... 8a mas elyne ta xeria....
  6. As poyme oti sas thn peftei h gkomena toy mike tyson kopela me prosonta psilh kai genika h fantasiwsh toy ka8enws kai ekei poy kanete oti kanete mpainei o tyson.... ti kanete??
  7. kalhspera paides. epsaksa olo to forum alla den brhka tpt panw se ayto to 8ema opwte 8a to diatypwsw edw iparxoyn polla java codes poy diwr8wnoyn ta bugs p brhskei to l2phx yparxei omws kanena code p na elenxei as poyme otan mpainei kapoios so l2 an o paikths exei to l2phx?? na einai opws to antiphx.dll alla na einai mesa sto server wste na mhn mporei kapios na to kanei bypass ty
  8. pi8ana problhmata: a)den exeis anoiksei ports h den to exeis kanei swsta b)den exeis balei swsta to no-ip dld na kanei refresh to programma ths no-ip gia kainoyria c)den exeis balei swsta to ip sto gs kai ton ls (checkare kai or8ografika) @ChrisBSilv: ta moden exoun ola ta ports anoixta, den 8eloyn foward
  9. h apopsh m einai i idia me toy TEOGR_hItMaKeR, eimai tis apopshs oti efoson den exeis lag den yparxei problhma an 8es na mpaineis me 0 ping kai o server einai sto pc soy allakse thn ip toy client soy apo ayth p einai se
  10. alt kai g grafeis akribws to onoma toy item opws legete (me kefalea ta kefalea kaina ekei poy prepei kai loipa) patas search item kai s leei to id ginete kai apo ingame alla den kserw pws [edit] kane /target (to onoma opws to leei sto inventory)
  11. kai poy einai to problhma?? nomizw oti ayto ginete se oloys toys server
  12. na petane ta panta sto patwma ektws apo adena ta adena autoloot
  13. oxi exw gia auto loot alla gia ola ektws apo ta herbs
  14. kalhspera mporei kapoios na m dosei code gia autoloot gia adena? ty
  15. Sorry gia to doublepost alla dikaiologoyme: eftiaksa ton elenxo p zhthsa parapanw oriste Enas moderator na kanei lock ayto to topic plz at line 77 activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION)); return; } + if(item.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_ACCESSORY && item.getEnchantLevel() >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_JEWELRY + || item.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_SHIELD_ARMOR && item.getEnchantLevel() >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_ARMOR + ||item.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_WEAPON && item.getEnchantLevel() >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_WEAPON) + { + activeChar.sendMessage("Your item is enchanted at maximum"); return; + } if (activeChar.getActiveTradeList() != null) { activeChar.cancelActiveTrade();
  16. basika exei ws eksis exw +20 weap (sto max dld) pataw enchant -an to enchant petyxei tote leei inapropriate kai loipa xanw to scroll alal den febgei apo to inventory -an den petyxei to weapon spaei dld 8elw ena code p na elenxei ama to oplo h armor h jewel einai sto max ama einai na leei inapropriate alliws na kanei enchant
  17. den exw kan tetoio prop file :/ basika mporeis na m steileis to periexomeno toy requestEnchantItem.java ? ;)
  18. kalhspera se oloys alo ena topic ton asxeto peri dev (emena) exw ena prob ston server ka8os otan exw to weapon +max kai pathsw enchant m leei inapropriate enchanting conditions otan omws ksanapathsw enchant to oplo spaei.... kserei kaneis ti paizei?
  19. yy katalaba eyxarhstw poly to prob ly8hke opote kante lock :D
  20. wraios eyxathstw poly!!! mia dieykrinhsh omws poy akribes ta bazw? ennoo ti grafei prin kai meta An exw l2jfree interlude ti grafw sth 8esh toy L2JBrasilCustom DISABLE_GRADE_PENALTY = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JBrasilCustom.getProperty("DisableGradePenalty", "False"));
  21. wraios eyxathstw poly!!! mia dieykrinhsh omws poy akribes ta bazw? ennoo ti grafei prin kai meta [edit] sorry gia to doublepost katw :/
  22. opws leei kai o filos apo panw enas mod na metaferei to topic plz
  23. afton ton code ton bazeis se ena arxeio kati.php afoy exeis kanei tis ry8miseis ston kwdika ip database klp
  24. # Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect. # You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision. MinProtocolRevision = 740 << kanto 1 MaxProtocolRevision = 746 << kanto 999
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