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  1. The basis of the assembly: JTS-Dev - The Abyss (2012-2016) Chronicles: High Five 5 All work on the emulator, conducted in free time Tasks: testing + further development Site: http://l2j-tenac.ru/
  2. * complete correction of all drugs skills for jewelry, I think the list is not needed + Another set of config on request + full implementation of the package ServerObjectInfo * Amendment spawn some of DV + Admin command // para // unpara - both Target and radially * Correction quest sub class * Continue to Russification lang RU + Extends the implementation of an item according to the chronicles, full-time job (lists for svn) http://www.linedia.ru/wiki/Rudolph_Necklace Continues the implementation date of the pack
  3. I need myself id NPC pets data, or at least their appearance
  4. http://www.linedia.ru/wiki/Pet_Summon_Item_(Warrior) http://www.linedia.ru/wiki/Pet_Summon_Item_(Wizard) http://www.linedia.ru/wiki/Pet_Summon_Item_(All) even if their views NPC
  5. + Added a new test server update
  6. Free Reva, works on a local ip download: https://yadi.sk/d/10Qi3kVkiaUTd
  7. * Correction of the work in-game mail * Correction Shadow Item - Gatekeeper Transformation Stick * Correction Transform Gatekeeper * Correction Spawn Drake Lord (Raid Boss) + Allow Config teleport to the island without a quest? * Correction Rose Essense * Correction Spawn Herven * Correction Spawn Bane + Services Mammon to Alt + B * Correction Bafera to Alt + B Rewritten JdbcEntityState Rewritten MailDAO Rewritten Mail Rewritten RequestExDeletePostFriendForPostBox Rewritten RequestExDeleteReceivedPost Rewritten RequestExSendPost Rewritten ExShowSentPostList Rewritten ExReplySentPost Rewritten ExReceiveShowPostFriend Rewritten RequestExDeleteSentPost * Correction Unlock + ExMembershipInfo Remade voice comman .cfg + New system of logging data (For all customers and testers who have assembled at the hands of a more complete list of fixes and changes in the IOS in Public is not disclosed the full list of changes)
  8. Purchase assembly Cost client equals 3,000 rubles Extending a month is 1500 rubles One-time purchase of 1500 rubles (closed scripts) Clients receive: Regular updates on private SVN Fully open datapak Tech support. Help to set up. Setting up Linux, anti Doss from shkoloty (setting fireworks) server and web parts If the customer within a week does not extend the client, he loses it. For the purchase of the client, please call: Jts-Team JTS.Tixanov 668412172
  9. to buy a private version of the assembly, please contact Skype Jts-Team
  10. + Added a new test server update
  11. RC-200
  12. We continue on the implementation of
  13. Implemented an item and skills to them: 21087 Packing: Rune of SP 30% (1 hr.) 20081 Bag Success 21726 Cat and Angel Blessing [Event] 21253 Packing: Gludio Cake Baking Manual 21254 Packing: Cake Baking Gludio Manual Event 21255 Cake Baking Gludio Hand 21256 Cake Baking Gludio Manual Event 21257 Packing: Cake Baking Dion Hand 21258 Packing: Cake Baking Dion Manual Event 21259 Cake Baking Dion Hand 21260 Cake Baking Dion Manual Event 21261 Packing: Brand Cake Aden 21262 Packing: Brand Aden Cake Event 21264 Brand Cake Aden [Event] 21267 Brand Cake Giran 21265 Packing: Brand Cake Giran 21264 Brand Cake Aden [Event] 21263 Brand Cake Aden 21269 Packing: Brand Cake Runes 21270 Packing: Brand Cake Rune [Event] 21271 Brand Cake Runes 21272 Brand Cake Rune [Event] 21273 Packing: Coupons Pet Necklace 21274 Packing: Coupons Necklace Pet [Event] 21709 Agathion Seal Bracelet - Rudolph [Event] 21730 Gift Collector Signs 21702 Packing: Holiday Gift Olf 21701 Packing: shirt Olf Event 21700 Packing: shirt Olf 21086 Rune of SP 30% (there was a timer) 21085 Packing: 30% Fleece Experience (1 hr.) 21084 Fleece Experience 30% 8570 Box with Altered Realities Event Giveaways It sold about 934-940 packages test write what does not work)
  14. NEW access to the source code Level 1 - Access to the SVN, handling your critical bug reports, a period of 1 month. Price: 55$. Level 2 - Access to SVN, handling all your bug reports, a period of 1 month. Price: 73$. Level 3 - Access to SVN, handling all your bug reports and requests for additional implementation. content, period of 1 month. Price: 92$.
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