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Everything posted by tsantiri

  1. Εχω φτιάξει εναν l2 interlude server βασικα δεν τον εφτιαξα ακομα. ολα καλα στο startloginserver kai startgameserver αλλα οταν μπαινω στο game βαζω acc κανονικα και οταν ειναι να φτιαξω champion δεν γινετε create. και μ βγαζει ενα ερορ στο gameserver. δοκιμασα να φτιαξω χαρακτηρα μεσα απο το database μπαινω sto acc βλεπω τον χαρακτηρα αλλα δεν γινετε start game και βγαζει μετα ενα αλλο ερορ στο startgameserver. help me
  2. very nice share keep up
  3. ok ty to all! Who know a site of company?
  4. I want to have my server online all day. but i dont want to have my pc all day open or to pay to company! help me if you can ty
  5. kanenan allo tropo gia na einai o server m online 24h 3erete ektos apo to na plirwsw se etairia i na exw to pc m anoixtw sinexia ???
  6. Pedia mipws iparxei kamia etairia p na sikwnei dorean ton server s ??? ??? ???
  7. gj again vent00za
  8. Enchant your Weapon with 100%success i found it usefull to told it to all of you its a way SAFE as they say to make ur weapon +16 . this is a way 100% to enchant your weapon ok here is the steps: 1)We leave all our items in warehouse exept armor and adena 2)we are going to shop/gmshop and we buy 12 same weapons(ex: Bloody Orchid) 3)we put them on the 12 shortcuts on our skills bar so every weapon take 1 place and we make full 1 bar 4)we buy enchant scrolls for weapons.... 16 for each weapons so 186 scrolls for 12 weapons 5)Begin to enchant one by one the weapons(dont forget to equip them before u enchant them) 6)we make all weapons more than 4+ and then weapons start to broke when u broke all the weapons start enchant the last one this weapon is not going to brake !!!
  9. ekana search vrika merika alla tpt oute pali leitourgei an to evriska den tha ekana afto to topic
  10. Enchant your Weapon with 100%success i found it usefull to told it to all of you its a way SAFE as they say to make ur weapon +16 . this is a way 100% to enchant your weapon ok here is the steps: 1)We leave all our items in warehouse exept armor and adena 2)we are going to shop/gmshop and we buy 12 same weapons(ex: Bloody Orchid) 3)we put them on the 12 shortcuts on our skills bar so every weapon take 1 place and we make full 1 bar 4)we buy enchant scrolls for weapons.... 16 for each weapons so 186 scrolls for 12 weapons 5)Begin to enchant one by one the weapons(dont forget to equip them before u enchant them) 6)we make all weapons more than 4+ and then weapons start to broke when u broke all the weapons start enchant the last one this weapon is not going to brake !!!
  11. exw ftiaxei enan server l2j free me to pack t killer_007 alla pezei mono lan prospathisa na ton sikosw sto internet vazontas tin no-ip deieythinsh alla tpt, exw anoixei kai ta ports mipws 3erei kaneis ti allo na kanw???
  12. gia kita edw einai 4 dika m npc http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24505.0
  13. apokleiete egw to pack tou themental oute p to exw katevasei
  14. Mrpeos mporw na s pw mono pws na kaneis ta buffs na kratane 1h . exw kai buffer alla nomizw stin ksanaedwsa kai dne douleye se esena.
  15. a afto enoeis e ok den ixera oti prepei na doso kai credits se afton afou den einai melos edwsto forum. na ta dosw tora?
  16. oxi mono to .txt alla den edeixne kai to tp gia antharas, orfen
  17. katevase afto http://rapidshare.com/files/117575984/sssss.rar.html anoixe to pare to arxeio p exei mesa (anoixe to me notepad an thes na grapseis esi kati diko s) kai valto mesa sto gameserver/data/html
  18. http://l2jserverhelp.blogspot.com gia kita edw
  19. katarxas tin gk vrika sto google kai 2on exei poli kairo alla tha ksanapsaxw se ligo an tin vrw tha s pw
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