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About DEV HazoR

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Your Face Is Sh1t...keep your opinion for yourself...
  2. Its better to dont speak trush about somebodys work....Its new server thats why..And the most heroes you saw are donators .....
  3. Sweets...I didnt know about that bro....
  4. Welcome To the Best c6 PvP Server Also Developed By me..... www.l2outofcontrol.com INFO Rates: •Experience: x1000 •Spexperience: x1000 •Party Experience: x1000 •Party Spexperience: x10000 •Adena: x10000 •Drop Item Karma: x1 Enchant Rates: •Safe 4 Max 16 Normall :50% •Safe 4 Max 18 Blessed: 70% •Safe 4 Max 25 Crystall: 100% Basic Features: •Version:Interlude Custom-PVP •Farm system Easy to medium •NPC Buffer (5H Buffs) & (Unlimited slots) •Captcha Anti Farm System •Anti Heavy System Custom Items: •L2OUTOFCONTROL Armor (Old School Armor - New School Armor) •L2OUTOFCONTROL Weapons (Hero Weapons) •L2OUTOFCONTROL Shield (Intact Shield) •L2OUTOFCONTROL Mask ( Mask of Spirit ) Tattos For Each Class Mage/Fighter Npc: •Casino Club •Gm shop •Custom Shop •Farm Protector •Vote Shop •Vote Manager •GrandBoss Status •Clan Manager •Gatekeeper •Achievements •Augmenter •Enchanter Skill •Siege Manager Basic Command: •Command .menu •Command .deposit •Command .withdraw Farm Areas: •Cave of Trials •School Of Dark Art Dvc Big Bridge Dvc Center Gludin Village Peace Zones: •Giran Town •Gludin Village Olympiad System: • Olympiad Work: 100
  5. Μου την ειδατε ολοι ξαφνικα Dev...Πηγαινε να πληνεις κανενα πιατο και ασε το l2 βλακα ε βλακα...
  6. Just copy itemname and armorgrp and weapongrp in another system and work it with another system...
  7. Pm me to send you link for the same project that is working...
  8. Very Helpfull...Congrats.!
  9. When I login to my server system after 20 second its closes with this "I-scan Integrity File Violated"
  10. I think you talk too much....And I learned some things and then asked for a partner..so shut your mouth and mind your job...
  11. L2JWS - High Five - Private Source FEATURES Vote reward system Highly secured (npc and command) Pc Bang Points PvP/Pk Title/Name system Alternative payment system(for shops like paying with gold bars etc) Private Shop Distance System Custom Announcements Settings Alternative Clan Leader System Augment Custom System Distribute Items System Custom skill enchant system Run of exp item bonus Starting title (on new created chars) Restriction for Blink - rush skills while rooted Premium accounts Auto restart Gameserver Auto restart Login server Auto Back-up Manager Custom community board Killing spree system Achievement Manager AIO VIP Balance system Custom FlagZone Rank Pvp Custom tempe Olys Olympiad antifeed Subclass restriction (antibug system implemented) Phoenix event engine implemented (Players can vote for event) Seven Signs quests implemented Equipment Restriction [ Armos - Weapons ] SERVER EVENTS Team vs Team Capture the flag Domination Mass Domination DeathMatch Last man standing Advanced Team vs Team Lucky chests Zombies Mutant Treasure hunt Thunt pvp Hunting grounds Battlefields PK Event SERVER COMMANDS .buffer (for premium) .online .repair .Expon .Expoff .Xpon .Xpoff .giran .dion .oren etc .changepassword .premium .event .divorce/.engage/.gotolove .bank .withdraw .deposit .bind_ip .castlemanager .infor .grandboss .antibot .gopk ADMIN COMAND //setaio //setvip //clanfull //dance //permaban [Name] INSTANCE'S WORKING Chamber of Delusion Seed of Destruction Seed of Infinity Kamaloka instaces Pailaka instances Crystal Caverns Tower of Naia Steel Citadel Tully's Workshop Hellbound Town Dark Cloud Mansion Fortress/Castle Zaken easy and hard Freya easy and hard Frintezza H5 FEATURES WORKING All High Five zones are working. All High Five quests are working including Seven Signs series. Many High Five features are working. High Five skills working 100% retail. Resist formulas are retail-like (not like the other ordinary servers) Territory Wars Siegable Clanhalls Seed of Infinity Seed of Destruction Seed of Anihilation NPC'S Fake Pc ID: (5001 A 5006) E (6001 A 6002 DROPS) NPC BUFFER NORMAL (65534) NPC BUFFER PREMIUM (65535) NPC PARTE (36650) NPC TELEPORT (7077) NPC SERVICE DONATE (9013) NPC ENCHANT MANAGER (9994) NPC BUGREPORT (553) Server + Backup https://mega.co.nz/#!ScgSSSAb!ILOKWZtFC9PGnbe8LX40xYXcbXOKLQ1kXzTn1seZLBM System https://mega.co.nz/#!vBBHibRQ!w3JqeRpIIBLF5YfNfetzZcC0YIOBeiw72i6XXnKjv-8 PATCH CUSTOMS https://mega.co.nz/#!mAAwAL6I!idhL7QnAdlbWmjBnSZlwoLxzUToFH811QxR58qOrVRw Καλη Συνεχεια... DEV HazoR
  12. Einai custom mobs ? H apla mobs?
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