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About nogales23

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  1. Hello friends. I am selling a scripts made by me that publishes in facebook groups. Explanation 1.- The script works by means of 1 plugins called Imacros. 2.- the script only works with firefox. 3.- The script automatically searches the Facebook groups in which you are. 4.- the scripts publishes link, text and images. 5.- You can publish in all facebook groups and without account blocks. Facebook will not take it as spawn. 6. - Can work 24 hours without restrictions. WHO WOULD BE INTERESTED This type of script is very good for doing advertising in facebook groups related to lineage and other servers. Here I leave a video of how the script works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrB4wPOZysc&t=116s price information here my networks here I leave my facebook https://www.facebook.com/Nogales.Leonardo.Leo My Skype: nogalesjose04 Excuse my english but I speak spanish.
  2. already fix the skype (Y)
  3. Hola amigos. Hello friends. I am selling a page of fans of lineage 2. The page has 30k followers (I like it) who is interested in buying my Skype is: nogalesjose04 Here the page: https://www.facebook.com/l2pvpFanes Excuse my English, but I speak Spanish.xd
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