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Everything posted by ◄√i®uS►

  1. .dat прописаны по Interlude, но если переписать, можно использовать под любые хроники (RUS) .dat prescribed by Interlude, but if the rewrite can be used for any Chronicle
  2. конечно можете, только клиент будет много весить)) (RUS) Of course you can, but the client will weigh a lot))
  3. обновил первый пост, добавил видео с компиляцией эффекта NPC (RUS) updated the first post said video compilation effect NPC
  4. Death Spike с эффектом для Interlude (RUS) Death Spike effect for Interlude download
  5. Новая работа на продажу (RUS) New Work for Sale Работы которые были сделаны ранее (RUS) The works that have been made previously Пак вещей сделанные для сервера Destorus.ru (RUS) Pak things to do for the server Destorus.ru
  6. не думаю, что вас этому кто то научит да и нет такого в интернете (RUS) I do not think that you teach someone Yes and no such online
  7. продам Unreal, который умеет компилировать скрипты со скилами, эффектами и т.д. так же понимает такие функции как Opacity предложения писать в скайп (RUS) selling Unreal, which is able to compile scripts with the skills, effects, etc. also realizes functions such as Opacity Offer to write on Skype
  8. Создаём Шлем для Lineage 2 с помощью Unreal (RUS) Create Helmet Lineage 2 by Unreal Если что не понятно, все вопросы в этой теме или скайпе (указан в профиле) (RUS) If something is not clear, all the questions in this thread, or Skype (Set profile)
  9. Делаем анимационный логотип с нуля(RUS) Making an animated logo from scratch Всё что не понятно, спрашиваем в этой теме...(RUS) All that is not clear, ask in this thread ...
  10. напишите в скайп обсудим работу (Rus) Write on Skype to discuss the work
  11. 12. Imposition .PSD layout for my source code, with more functionality. 13. Create Updatera from scratch to match your website and your wishes. Functional Updatera: Output available online Checking the port login and game servers to display the server ON OFF Check the updated version Updatera Add any number of links and buttons in the Updater Two languages ​​updates RUS ENG (If you change the language changes all the functionality Updatera) Automatic detection of the default language on your system, the language will run Updater Auto-play after a successful update files without user intervention There is a simple update patch file and a full patch Conclusion news site anywhere Updatera on request I updated the first post
  12. Перепаковка Icon.utx и создание своего нового пака Repackaging Icon.utx and the creation of his new pack Если что не понятно, спрашивайте в этой теме, буду отвечать... If something is not clear, ask in this thread, I will answer ...
  13. Восстанавливаем развертку модели Restore the scan model Если что не понятно, спрашивайте в этой теме, буду отвечать... This is not clear, ask in this thread on the set of customization possibilities answer ...
  14. If you need new hats, write to Skype, do. work is not free ...
  15. Dear Users, I offer my services in client development for any of the Lineage 2 chronicles: 1. Creation and customization of Splash screen for your server. 2. Creation and customization of the "Mini Logo"(above the login/password input), animated logo is also available. 3. Creation and customization of the "Loading Screen"(after choosing your character), animated loading screen is also available. 4. Repaint and game interface customization as you want it. 5. Repaint and integrate from other chronicles elements add-ons for weapons, armors, wings, cloaks, helmets etc. 6. Designing and integrating effects for lineage 2 NPCs and Monsters. 7. Integration of any kind of items, monsters, NPCs from, and, to any chronicles. 8. Designing and integrating masks, helmets, accessories and wings from any games and more. 9. Design and creation of animated icons, logos(HTML dialogues), server copyrights insertion in the client's interface. 10. Development and integration of item's copyrights (for weapons, armors, wings, cloaks, helmets etc.) 11. Any work related to Photoshop & 3DS Max. Below you can find examples of my most recent works.
  16. I can write a couple of servers C4, which made a lot of jewelry, so that you are not the first who did it))
  17. ◄√i®uS► Weapons. Any Chronicles Lineage 2... ◄√i®uS► NPC-Monsters All Chronicles Lineage 2... ◄√i®uS► Armor, Weapon,Cloaks,Accessories... ◄√i®uS► New Costumes. Any Chronicles... ◄√i®uS► Updater Lineage 2... ◄√i®uS► Lineage 2 : Сlient Graffiti... ◄√i®uS► Mounts. Any Chronicles Lineage 2... All questions are discussed in personal correspondence on Skype or Telegram Skype : la2-viRUS Telegram : @la2virus
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