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Everything posted by SadSoul

  1. The community is great and u will have a lot of help from clan liders. And those players who are geared they start from 0. I don't think is a problem if u will start on this server.
  2. We will go to Mythras server to have same fun like we have on Legend! We will follow this team of Gm everywere cose this team is the best I have ever seen. GJ guyz and GL with this new project!!!
  3. I have played on the server from start and server look ok to me. Some players are random players like on all big server meaby that why they cry so much. but they nead to remember 1 thing : If u don't know how to play this game that not means server is bad. All staff have my respect cose they are very reasonable ppl and they help players to much if u ask me. Skills are ok all classes are balanced but u nead to remember (There is no class immortal in game). NcSoft made this game great but again (if u don't know the char u play don't cry). Gj Staff and keep this way.
  4. I HAVE THE BEST FUN OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! Join the server!! Congratz to all staff!!!!
  5. Go go go!!!
  6. Nice!!!! Blessed scroll 100% with PC points nice idea !!!!!
  7. Today is the day!!!!! I just w8 to have fun .....and I don't think is a donators server bicouse how the staff presented the server every ppl can make top items. And second thing is : All time donators maintain the server alive for us. Good job guyz !!
  8. This is a nice news !!!!!! GL............ and I hope to have fun there!
  9. Hi all! I just logged on the server and look nice but some things u must improved like : auto class change shield don't give pdef and I didn't find A grade Bless shop. In rest server look ok to me and Gm are very nice ppl GJ.
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