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Everything posted by Billistain

  1. I have no idea what server you're playing, but I've never seen any clans raiding with daggers on retail and some low rate private servers :S
  2. Με αυτό εδώ το post δε το δείχνεις :P ΣΚΛΗΡΟΣ!
  3. Elven Scout has an even smaller q ;) (10 min max)
  4. ... Nukers are the mages that are supposed to make damage (Necro, Sorcerer, Spellsinger and Spellhowler)
  5. On retail Interlude had more bugs than Gracia On l2j Interlude has more bugs On L2OFF Interlude has less bugs than Gracia Part 1/2, but not Final really ;p. There will soon be Gracia Final L2OFF servers w/ 0 bugs, since the files were leaked.
  6. Εμένα και το Μόριαν μας σέβεται πιο πολύ, καθώς έβαλε και τόνο στα ονόματά μας :o Θα ανταποδώσω και θα σε φωνάζω Φοίνηξ.
  7. Σε ξαναπέρασα με τη μία χαχαχαχα btw έχασα το champion στο μπιλιάρδο από τον φακούκα... Είναι να το έχεις μέσα σου :S
  8. Pailaka quests are the most fun to do, no doubt...
  9. Maybe you were in a net cafe? The operator can send pop-ups to your PC writting whatever he wants :P
  10. I think it's good, until the eyes appear :S
  11. Ρε πολλούς gay έχουμε εδώ μέσα (ΜΑΖΙ ΜΕ ΕΜΕΝΑ ΦΥΣΙΚΑ. ΔΕ ΣΑΣ ΤΟ ΚΡΥΒΩ. Θα νταπώ? ). Ας φτιάξουμε ένα gay section για ποιοτικές συζητήσεις ^^
  12. QQ ^^ Check the new champion ;o LOL. Check some old PMs :o I'm ruud44 I know that this is a Greek topic but who cares :)
  13. First of all we need a tank party, so that it will control the raid and not let it attack weak defensively characters. Tank Party: 1. Tank (aggro) 2. Warcryer (Chant of Shielding, Chant of Fire, Earth Chant, Chant of Victory) 3. Swordsinger (Song of Renewal, Song of Earth, Song of Champion, sometimes Song of Warding may be needed.) 4. Blade dancer (Dance of Concentration) 5. Bishop (heal tank) 6. Elven Elder (Clarity, Advanced Block, Bless the Shield for the tank and recharge for the bishop) 7. Elven Elder or Shilien Elder (Recharge Tank) 8. Elven Elder or Bishop (Secondary Healer) 9. Elven Elder or Shilien Elder (Secondary Recharger) That's how a tank party is set. Now, we need to make dd parties. They can be formed by nuker or by fighters (Always destro or archer!). Mage Party: 1. Swordsinger 2. Bladedancer 3. Elven Elder 4. Shilien Elder(Not that needed if there is an 77+ Dominator.) 5. Overlord (Notice that when casting Rage of Pa'agrio the Tank should be a bit far away from him, so that it won't have its Magic/Physical Defence reduced. Also, it's not necessary to exist in all mage parties. 1 Overlord is enough, since his buffs are obtained by the whole clan. In the other parties, we can replace him with another nuker!) 6. Bishop 7. Nuker 8. Nuker 9. Nuker or Elemental Summoner Fighter Party: 1. Swordsinger 2. Bladedancer (Never use Dance of Vampire. Archers don't need it and it causes problems to Destroyers with Frenzy! ) 3. Warcryer (Never use Chant of Vampire, since Archers don't need it and it causes problems to Destroyers with Frenzy..) 4. Warlock 5. Bishop 6. Archer or Destroyer 7. Archer or Destroyer 8. Archer or Destroyer 9. Archer or Destroyer Hope you find it helpful :)
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12689.0 ...
  15. Στην Κίνα έχει ψαροχώρι με 11.000.000 κατοίκους (Όσο και η Ελλάδα! ), τι να λέμε τώρα... ΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑ Γαμάτη απάντηση :D
  16. Actually, this is not my "guide" and it's a bit old tbh. I give credits/source in the end :p
  17. I'm afraid you are right :P I hope not get any of them in my party xD
  18. Θα ασχοληθούμε. Για νεότερα θα ενημερώσω. Με αυτό το poll ήθελα να δω τι προτιμά ο κόσμος για να συνεχίσουμε τη δουλειά. Όταν αποφασίσουμε σε μερικές μέρες θα γράψουμε εδώ να γίνει Lock το topic...
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