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Everything posted by Pepsi

  1. I'm having this exact same issue, sorry for bumping, tried to download the file edit provided in link above, but exact same outcome, every other file loads fine, but npcgrp.dat just loads blank.
  2. Thankyou for your help I appreciate it however the subeclipse link doesn't work on that guide (http://subeclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x). It seems like the github links and svn links are all not available anymore, I don't see where I can find a datapack :\
  3. I know I know, I'm sorry for being the newbie out here, and I can clearly see there is a thread here already saying how to do it. However a lot of the links are now dead and I really dont understand how to do it, however I did it before 4+years ago. If anyone could please explain to me how to get a basic high five test server set up so i can mess around I would appreciate it. Thanks, Pepsi
  4. Frequent updated stock of gold, PM me for more info, or add me to MSN at anthonybrown2002@hotmail.com or skype at pepsipwns Making 5kk+ each day, so don't be shy to ask for large stocks of gold. Offer me a price and we can talk about it. If you buy more you will get it cheaper per mil. :) Thanks in advanced, Pepsi
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