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About minihax0r

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  1. ........ i searched and found that is 128 bit encryption is there any tool or somethin?
  2. lol ok i didnt really do it for fun but still havent played lineage since november (and proud xD) and i think l2brute that ur forum has as sticky does some account" thingies "too without being sure
  3. OK heres th fact, i was sent some code from a keylogger i had put for fun and i want to see if it works. Although we all know that l2gold doesnt run l2.exe but it runs Gameguard.des.... However the ini file of the gameguard has "encyrptkeystroke=TRUE " And i was sent something like : 1 0 1 1 1 a... does anyone know how to decrypt it to get the acc name and passowrd? A and is there any way to find an account password if u know their acc name plus some code like above?
  4. thmx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. nice i am going to try iit :)
  6. has anyone tested this ? is it safe?
  7. uh i dont think this works , its all about luck
  8. lol xmas spirit hehe thanks :D
  9. goood share!!!!
  10. yes the topic says it works everywhere so why not there?
  11. ooooo if this works then GG
  12. uh i am not an overenchanting addict cause i most times fail
  13. lol intense nice one
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