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Everything posted by gygaman

  1. Take a look on my server give it a try http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/192181-l2j-l2-regards/
  2. http://www34.zippyshare.com/d/N1XDN
  3. wait more 3H , i got a few things to pull up , 6 PM will come fast for me GG
  4. The Big open day for does who Choose to Play with us, No Wipes Unique Gm games (L2Revenge Style) Donations on our Server are made to pay for the server (Closed after goal) Lineage 2 is a game, not a way to get RICH like some... It's our way to do it. Today 6pm Gtm+0 good custom features, Old style Game Play
  5. what was your name there ?
  6. Its tomorrow! New Board Char Panel and Info, command lists, Dressme command! Raid Info and instances, DB look in, Shop and misc stuff, Ready for you Tomorow 6PM GTM+0 L2R PATCH Links http://www34.zippyshare.com/d/N1XDNtqc/17/Regards-PATCH.rar http://www.4shared.com/rar/y1ZrzqAYce/Regards-PATCH.html Main Board Teleports Top clans Sub class free .DRESSME .CONTROL
  7. in my opinion it was one of the best servers ever around with a very powerful community, HowardStern StormShadow Scratch will always have a recorded name
  8. i got that problem some times with the correction auto "ON" xD your not the first one says that... Cya on beta or on open best wishes
  9. Open Beta http://L2regards.com http://facebook.com/l2regards
  10. If you never sit to listen you will never stand to teach.

  11. lets keep that as silence :)
  12. Very nice working service hope you get big with it :) +1
  13. Redemption is an already open server..how many servers did he open in 2 years ? How many did he close ? All... we came from the real l2 revenge 2003/2006... and we will keep the same ideas and ways to build a good community...
  14. not the same logo , not even the same "animal" just got the idea, web site is a MMO full russ translated to english. :) but thank you :)
  15. We are glad to present rising of our project with our knowledge and players opinions about balanced classes and how to "not get bored" WebSite Features Ingame Photos Live at 5 June ! all chars created in 5 june will get skill bonus (+5% all stats for 12H) Facebook page Its tomorrow! New Board Char Panel and Info, command lists, Dressme command! Raid Info and instances, DB look in, Shop and misc stuff, Ready for you Tomorow 6PM GTM+0 L2R PATCH Links http://www34.zippyshare.com/d/N1XDNtqc/17/Regards-PATCH.rar http://www.4shared.com/rar/y1ZrzqAYce/Regards-PATCH.html Main Board Teleports Top clans Sub class free .DRESSME .CONTROL Rules and prices for top 3 winners in our forum board. Read the rules carefully 2 VS 2 A grade only. WebSite Features Ingame Photos
  16. ho hell yea i can bet that :)
  17. is one of the most secure acp around, if you have it use it!
  18. http://acp.zz.vc/is this wat you want?
  19. for wat chronicle you want the ac Panel?
  20. This is our offer for the first siege clans Read the rules, they are simple, We will be glad to receive you. And: 35€ in donations for each player from the clans that gets the castle http://l2narnia.com/offer.html :not bad:
  21. there is the web there..
  22. This post was edited with the reason : i was writing and suddenly it was post don't really know why... thank you L2Narnia servers Our site http://l2narnia.com/ Our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/L2-Narnia-server-20x/432755040225668?ref=hl Server Features Exp: 20x SP: 19x Drop: 15x Spoil: 17x Adena: 20x Quest Drop: 2x Quest Exp/SP: 2x Quest Adena Reward: 3x Safe Enchant: +3 Maximum Enchant: +25 up to +30 with Epic GM events Normal Scroll chance: 55 % Blessed Scroll chance: 62 % Elemental Stone chance: 50% Elemental Crystal chance: 28%
  23. Hello guys im having a problem at my server when you are in party: if you are alone you get like for ex: adena and something else, if you are in PT and you kill a mob you will receive at the system message %someone or you have obtained. (Full drops) like Sealed Moirai gloves but you never get it coz the change is very low , it keeps popping the full drops like if you really got them , but you don't, here is some screens: Here Alone----------------- In party here.............................. I try to search everywhere like: party drop problems, party configuration , party message problem, maybe i'm using the wrong keywords to search dono, so thats why i came here for it what can it be? This server is the latest revision of HI5
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