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Everything posted by latinoci

  1. People actually keeps downloading this keylogging l2w?... Guys, come on.
  2. i downloaded it, no need to install it...
  3. Got a problem,for some reason when i run it and press HOME i get two windows of ig l2w,one it says 2.09 2nd 2.05. And one more thing,the l2w doesnt seem to recognize mana herbs it only writes :[iD-xxxx] and it doesnt pick it while botting.
  4. i have some problem, when i copy/make some script, and try to save it, nothing happens, i mean the save/open system doesnt work, i cant save scripts, and i cant open rdy scripts. any solution?
  5. hi all! i have some little problem, hope u can help me with that. i tried to make a new script, i made the script in the walker window, and when i try to save it, nothing happens, no new file made, and i cant open this script to use it. i have IG 2.05v walker. thx in advance!!
  6. Yo guys,need a help with making script: I want the bot to invite a bd bot to a party so he would dance and kick him after few seconds e.g 5-7 and repeat this over and over. I've tried looking inside the walker script setup and nothing :/ Would really appreciate your help.
  7. so as the title says is ther any working guide for walker on DN on win 7?? thx in advance!
  8. i have a problem: after i made all the steps, i open the walker, press run, the window disappear, and the l2 is not opening.. any solution?
  9. i need 2 system folders for that?? 1 system and 1 rpg system? or just 1?
  10. anybody can check that walker executable weight isnt 1.1mb, prolly it doesnt even work ;D
  11. yeah, i ask for ban this dude http://www.virustotal.com/es/analisis/9d30ea4583c545256cf5f3bb1291afd5e610a8a16cd8667b7814ec5ac69ca1be-1277409842
  12. u can get interrupted in flames, u can get trick switch to stop engraving...
  13. same thing for me but its on xp -.-'
  14. works for someone? If it does some1 can say version? or upload it?
  15. I'd like to get help with making a script which will go like that: 1st. target character "x" 2nd invite character "x" to party 3rd wait for 10 sec 4th select character "x" 5th kick character "x" from party 6th repeat itself each 5 min thnx in advance :D p.s sorry that posted in wrong section
  16. I want to know how to add a stucking sub class system on my CT 1.5 server(l2java free) and how to add this system to my server to make it work. I saw a source code for Gracia part 2(http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=53141.0) to make this system,but even tho i dont know where and how to add this so i'd like to get a little help. thxn in advance.
  17. i have 2.05 from the greek part of this forum, i prefer take it from there since it's safer. U used any other files except walker?
  18. I can log game with 2.05, i can see all buffs inventory items, but when i press start button in walker window it doesnt work, i'm pretty sure we need some more things in order to work.
  19. I searched a guide to help me make walker work on official nowdays, but didnt find any. If anyone knows about a topic that could help me pls replay to me and live the link. TY!
  20. Is there some way to avoid antharas/valakas death animation so you can pick drops freely? :P
  21. I am trying to get the free walker for Gracia, but my antivirus detect it as a virus, any info why is this happening?
  22. To bad it does nt work...after the cancelled trade u got the "adena" that u exploited but after u re-open or restart adena disapearing and u going back to ur normal adena. Also i tried to buy something with the "extra" adena that i earned but did nt work too... Anyone tried it and worked?
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