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Everything posted by MrPro*

  1. From now i am able to provide the donate coins pm me here/fb/skype/vk
  2. able to provide auto -likes/comments/video subscription for fb and instagram of 7 or 30 days !
  3. can't do today trades will do them tomorrow , really sorry about that !
  4. WTS donate coins in l2 elixir price: 0.3 euro per 1 donate coin skype: alexmanakos ( it says Alexandros Dagres Alzor Productions ) VK: https://vk.com/alexmanmrpro FB: https://www.facebook.com/alexander.dagres
  5. either you have to play wayyyyyyyy too many years or you join some really really dead and shitty ru servers with 10-20 online to compare ru files with eu :D
  6. i didn't compare something you just said" every competive gamer has moved into other games " so i am just proving that something like that isn't true , plus for some people l2 might be classic as well
  7. there are still competitors and try-harders even in pac man /tetris/super mario/street fight and etc so what ?
  8. so since they are playing to get paid for you they are retarded and autistic ? cause for me it is like genius idea, or you want to tell me that all streamers are retarded and autistic as well since they are playing to get paid .
  9. join ru or br servers they are by far better than 99% of the europe servers , balance/gameplay/set up , is like 10 lvls above each europe server
  10. the "highly retarded and autistic " community that you are talking about have by far the best interlude CPs/Clans/solo players ,so how exactly you can even say that ?
  11. that's what happens well you play only bad servers :) join more serious servers like valhalla/dream/bt/gamers and the list goes on
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