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Everything posted by Stealth

  1. Also see these bars with their links to download: [img=http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/9349/prevxcsi2qa7.png] [img=http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/5339/prevxcsi2yk4.png]
  2. Niceeeee USerbarssss :D
  3. Okay that's a server
  4. EleoC ginetai ayto to teleytaio?
  5. Nice Share I will Try it and Tell you my opinion
  6. Well its a Nice guide...
  7. Well I think the pack's ok...But can u post a Guide?? Or the link to a guide??Thanks again!
  8. Nice Share dude!I will try it and post.
  9. Paidia paei o infogate...Paliotera htan super alla twra ton dialysane...
  10. tou skoupidiou ntou ntou-Scooby Doo!
  11. Paei kai o InfoGate Corrupted GM's Exploiters,Bug abusers paei.... allos enas kalos server....
  12. Dld eimaste nomimoi mono otan diafimizoume thn Ncsoft kai otan mas "Barethoun" kai mazepsoume polla atoma se server eimaste paranomoi dld otan ayta p kanoume tous symferoun eimaste ok alla molis stamathsoume eimaste paranomoi??? ELEOC...
  13. Re gt xrhsimopoiheis ratsistika sxolia enantion twn newn user pou pi8anws dn exoun tis katallhles gnwseis (gia sena) etsi wste na synthrisoun server...Ps:Symfwnw me ton xxrxx
  14. Yeah please translate!!
  15. Illegal so links expired or deleted?? Why is it illegal exactly?
  16. Nice Client.Wow Race Kamaels.But... I don't quite like one wing....:P
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