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Posts posted by Stealth

  1. OK before you download this you should know there are some issues about this software and you may experience some errors.


    - = [] READ ME [] = -


    How to Install:


    - Unrar in a location like C:\MySQLBackup

    - DO NOT unrar in desktop (especially if you have greek windows)


    - You must unrar both of the files (mysqldump.exe and MySQL_Backup_v1.0.exe) to the same directory!

    - You must fill all options and then click "Save Options" and Click "Exit" also don't forget to setup autobackup , so after you save the options restart the application!


    - You are done


    Backups are saved in: C:\Backup\MySQL


    - = [/] READ ME [/] = -




    Both Files Look Like this:




    Main Panel Looks like this:





    Download Link:


    MySQL_Backup_v1.0.rar [N/A Bug Reported]

    MySQL_Backup_v1.1.rar [bug Fixed! Thanks to xMaylox]




    NOTICE*: Please report any bugs here! Thank you. [Test Version]


    You can post it but give credits to me. I allow the software i create to be shared public but you must ask me first!



    This is the script I have created:


    @echo off
    color 1f
    ::   SCRIPT BY STEALTH  ::
    :: License:
    :: - You can modify and use this software for free
    :: - You may not sell it or rent it!
    :: Licensed under GNU Public License.
    :: Variables by Stealth ::
    REM Database Variables - SHOULD BE CHANGED
    set host=localhost	
    set database=l2jdb
    set user=root	
    set passw=
    REM MySQL Variables
    set MySQLdumpPath=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqldump.exe
    REM Path , Saving Variables
    set SavePath=%cd%\
    REM Loaded Variables
    @echo #############################
    @echo #Database Backup Script v1.0#
    @echo #############################
    @echo #    Coded by Stealth       #
    @echo #############################
    @echo Do you wish to make a backup?
    set /p make=(y/n):
    If %make%==y goto new_backup
    If %make%==n goto mxc
    goto start
    @echo Please take some time to visit:
    @echo www.MaxCheaters.com
    @echo Do you wish to visit now?
    set /p visit=(y/n):
    If %visit%==y start www.maxcheaters.com
    If %visit%==n exit
    @echo Creating New Backup...
    @echo Output directory: %SavePath%
    @echo Please specify a name for your backup:
    set /p name=Backup Filename:
    @echo Saving...
    %MySQLdumpPath% --add-drop-table -h %host% -u %user% --password=%passw% %database% > %name%.sql
    @echo File %name% created!
    Echo Thank you for using [Database Backup Script v1.0] by Stealth
    echo Press a key to exit (Goodbye)...


    Copy it to file with .bat extension and your done!


    - PS: Dont forget to set the variables:


    set host=localhost	
    set database=l2jdb
    set user=root	
    set passw=
    set MySQLdumpPath=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqldump.exe


    Variables Explained:


    set host=

    The host pc that runs the database (default : localhost)

    set database=

    The database name (default : l2jdb)

    set user=

    Database username (default : root)

    set passw=

    The database password (default is blank or "root" without the quotes)

    set MySQLdumpPath=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqldump.exe

    The directory which has mysqldump.exe file (default for MySQL Server 5.1 is the one i entered)


    Credits to me , and some code taken from database installers so credits also to L2JFree & TaneL


    Compiled Batch Script:





    Hello guys ,

    I have recently (yesterday) formatted my computer to windows 7.

    It appears that I can run Lineage II Java Server on my machine with windows 7 installed with no problems.

    So on the server side im ok , but what about the client?

    Has anyone tested Lineage II Interlude Client on Windows 7?

    I am downloading it and I really want to know :)




  4. Ok here's the thing costum's are ok IF they are balanced, cause if they are unbalanced they make are not good. In some server's the admins have modded them to be balanced but in others they are sooooo unbalanced that you can't play,

    eg. when someone wearing costum items hits you and gives you 50k dmg (with full set Imperial +25) thats not good.

  5. nice gluide


    my router ip is 


    like me ip :(

    when i presss it in mozzila nothing happed



    it,s not another method how to open ports ?


    plz :(


    im using DrayTek Vigor 318


    You can find your router's ip here -> Click Start->Run -> Type cmd -> Type in the Command Promt -> ipconfig

    and hit enter

    There should be -> IP Adress: 192.168.*.* Like this and then you type this address on mozzila firefox!

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