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Posts posted by Stealth

  1. Τέλος πρέπει να παρθούν ριζικές αποφάσεις σε αυτή τη χώρα.

    Βέβαια δεν φταίνε αυτοί που κυβερνούν αλλά ο κλασσικός ο μ... ο Έλληνας που τους ψηφίζει και συνεχίζει να τους ψηφίζει.

    Το θέμα είναι ότι εμείς φταίμε που τα επιτρέψαμε όλα αυτά και που συνεχίζουμε να τα επιτρέπουμε και να μένουμε παθητικοί απέναντι στις εξελίξεις και τα γεγονότα...

  2. 2nm2hrp.png





    Download newest phx versions


    password for archive is: coderx.ru



    How To Use Versions 3.5.x.x.x



    Older Versions:

    Interlude version






    L2Phx Help Files

    L2Phx Components

    Changelog English



    How to set up Phx

    Click Here.



    How to change the language










    Mini PHX tutorial (Credits to 1nsanity)[With some updates by me]


    1. Download latest version --> http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/ [use the link i give b4 to download a new version]


    2. Now you need to change the language:




    3. Now you will need to set it up:

    - Press ' CTRL+P ' :  (Will bring settings up)

    Now you will have to set your L2PHX accordingly:


    (Primary settings)



    (Intercept settings)



    4.After that just save and enter Lineage 2


    5. The window will look like this in L2PHX:


    (DO note that the window will change from plain looking to the full interface

    as this is a part of the upgrade!)



    6. Now you will need to modify the packet in order to get the ++ stuff, so go into the

    converter and copy the 6th and 7th numbers in the packet in to the

    "Hex" window and follow the instructions in the pic:




    7. Now all you need to do is exchange the numbers you got from the Hex->Dec ->Hex converter and

    replace them in the "Packet Send" window:





    Older PHX Guide:








    How to bypass the anti-phx protection In case the server have protection against it. (By Raule)


    To pass anti phx protection Check this threads:

    How to bypass the anti-phx protection


    L2FIX Protection (By DragonHunter)

    How To Fix L2Protection So you can use PHX




    What Can you do With PHX? (By OnlyLoveXxX)[And updated with new things soon as they come out]


    [Exploit]Multiply gold bars


    Credits: Raule

    So with this you will duplicate ur Gold Bars just check the topic!

    Protection: Work aswell in all servers :D


    [share]Trade bug


    Credits: Hax0r

    With this you will make one trade bug! Just check the topic!

    Protection: Fixed in some Servers


    [super-Exploit]All Say You -beep-ing Donator!Check IT!


    Credits: † Sтяıκe™ †

    With this you will make a bug with ur status, just check the topic!

    Protection: Fixed in must Servers


    Do crt error for all peoples in you area!


    Credits: Fragas

    With this you will make critical error on all the ppl in your area, just check the topic!

    Protection: Fixed in some Servers


    Make announcements even if you're not GM.


    Credits: Hax0r

    With this you will make Announcements by ur self without access! Just check it!

    Protection: Fixed in much Servers


    L2PHX Interlude [ENCHANT]


    Credits: L][unLiMiTeD

    With this you will learn how to enchant with Wh! Just check it!

    Protection: Fixed in much Servers


    {Share} l2phx Fast Augment script


    Credits: ~SeRk

    Protection: Unprotected ATM


    Manor hack


    Credits: HUNpusi2

    Protection: I didn't try, but read the replies and take your own conclusions


    [L2Phx]Script for teleporting


    Credits: Raigon

    Protection: Fixed on some servers


    [Exploit] Deposit System


    Credits: caesar4l2

    Protection: Unprotected on all servers that i tryed


    Making Server Crash and Overenchanting Weapons/Armors (Specially lamer bug)


    Credits: ignitewtc

    Protection: Working ATM


    [L2phx]Ghost hack


    Credits: Raigon

    Protection: Working where i tryed


    {Share}l2phx enchant video + photo for Interlude servers


    Credits: ~SeRk

    Protection: Try it by ur self, i can't see the TOpic


    {Share}L2phx Res YourSelf and invisible script 4 IL + video from L2deathwhisper


    Credits: ~SeRk

    Protection: Working ATM


    Other way to crash server


    Credits: ~SeRk

    Protection: Not protected :D GoGo and destroy them


    {Share}Video How to take easy castles


    Credits: ~SeRk

    Protection: Only on NON-Newbies servers :P


    [L2Phx]Create chars with same name


    Credits: Raule

    Protection: Just do it :D


    [L2Phx]Pk Scanner for Gracia


    Credits: Raule

    Protection: Worked in 1 server.. Try by ur self.


    [Exploit][L2Phx]L2 Death Whisper!


    Credits: Raule

    Protection: Try it by urself, i can't see the topic ;)


    {Share}Full Guide,Video and script How to take easy castles


    Credits: ~SeRk

    Protection: There are more than one way to do that so just check it out ;) "worked to me"


    [Exploit] New trade bug! 100% working


    Credits: fakoykas

    Protection: Worked on all the servers that i tested :D


    [Exploit][L2Phx]"The Jumper"


    Credits: Raule

    Protection: Is not protected :D


    New Trade Bug 100% [11.08.09]


    Credits: Raigon

    Protection: No so many servers protected


    [PHX] Spam - The Easy Way


    Credits: magaki13

    Protection: Most of servers protected




    Credits: magaki13

    Protection: Most of servers protected


    [Phx]Make the server lag as hell!


    Credits: magaki13

    Protection: Protected in few servers


    [Mini Guide]Enchant Items with accuracy


    Credits: magaki13

    Protection: -




    Some PHX Scripts (By pwnz0r)








    In this thread You can:


    - Ask for feedback

    - Tell me what exploit (with phx ::)) should i add (only the most new ones)

    - Spam such as Thanks, etc etc will be deleted

  3. It can't be hacked!

    Those germans have damn good debuggers and they patch the security holes really fast!

    So I don't think there's any bug to exploit in such a way that you are gonna get resources or so.

    However there was a firefox extension called GreaseMonkey that uses some scripts to imitate a premium account. I don't suggest this cause if you get caught you will get banned permanently.


    Here's a script Tribalwars Enchancer V3 Status: DETECTABLE!




    There is one thing thats undetectable but you have to pay and thats a bot.

    More information here

    Download Demo Version




    you cant hack it with cheat engine?


    Cheat Engine is good for games but it doesn't actually hack online games , i mean the are "hacked" only in client-side so you can only see the changes , they don't actually occur.You can understand what im saying if you refresh the page.





    Installation & Information


    EasyPHP 3.0 [ http://www.easyphp.org ]










    EasyPHP is a complete package allowing to use all the power and the flexibility that offers the dynamic language PHP. Package includes an Apache server, a MySQL database, PHPMyAdmin as well as easy development tools for web sites and applications.


    The best thing about it: all stuff are in one file!


    Download Latest Release [3.0] [sourceForge]




    1. Download the file and run it.


    2. After Setup Finishes you will notice this icon running in system tray:


    3. Now components such as Apache and MySQL should be running smooth like this:








    1. To access your PhpMyAdmin Page go here

    2. Here's how to configure it, go to your EasyPHP installation directory normally : C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 3.0\phpmyadmin

    Open the file config.inc.php with notepad and setup your connection like this:

    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';          # Leave localhost by default.
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '';                   # Leave empty or enter 3306.
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';               # Your MySQL database username root by default.
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'mysql';          # Your MySQL database password.


    This was a brief guide if you have any further questions you can read the F.A.Q.


    If you experience any problems and the F.A.Q. does not help please post here.


    Thank you.



  5. Topic me to singekrimeno thema;


    Pos Kano Diko Mou Line Age Server 1


    Pos Kano Diko Mou Line Age Server 2


    Den exei simasia ean einai Interlude i kapio allo chronicle ... Otan ftiaxneis lineage server sygoura thes;






    Dld thes na mas peis oti gia na valo mpros Interlude server den thelw ta programata pou pro anefera parapano? O.O



    Mallon o server einai me diskw kai dn xreiazetai mysql epeidi to exei mesa sto diskw , java kai navicat xreiazesai omws.


    EDIT: LOL , eidika java xreiazetai o server alliws poly apla dn mporeis na trexeis ton server


  6. Here's a modified Banking.Properties with the normal commands and one more added.


    * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
    * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
    * version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
    * details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
    * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers;
    import net.sf.l2j.Config;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.InventoryUpdate;
    * This class trades Gold Bars for Adena and vice versa.
    * @author Ahmed
    public class Banking implements IVoicedCommandHandler
    private static final String[] _voicedCommands =
     * @see net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler#useVoicedCommand(java.lang.String, net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance, java.lang.String)
    public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target)
    	if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("bank"))
    		activeChar.sendMessage(".deposit (" + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " Adena = " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS + " Goldbar) / .withdraw (" + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS + " Goldbar = " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " Adena)");
    	else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("deposit"))
    		if (activeChar.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(57, 0) >= Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA)
    			InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
    			activeChar.getInventory().reduceAdena("Goldbar", Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA, activeChar, null);
    			activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Goldbar", 3470, Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS, activeChar, null);
    			activeChar.sendMessage("Thank you, you now have " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS + " Goldbar(s), and " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " less adena.");
    			activeChar.sendMessage("You do not have enough Adena to convert to Goldbar(s), you need " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " Adena.");
    	else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("withdraw"))
    		if (activeChar.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(3470, 0) >= Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS)
    			InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
    			activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("Adena", 3470, Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS, activeChar, null);
    			activeChar.getInventory().addAdena("Adena", Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA, activeChar, null);
    			activeChar.sendMessage("Thank you, you now have " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " Adena, and " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS + " less Goldbar(s).");
    			activeChar.sendMessage("You do not have any Goldbars to turn into " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " Adena.");
    	else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("getvitality"))
    		if (activeChar.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(6673, 0) >= 5)
    			activeChar.sendMessage("Your vitality has been replenished!");
    			activeChar.sendMessage("You don't have enough Festival Adena.You need at least 5 Festival Adena.");
    	return true;
     * @see net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler#getVoicedCommandList()
    public String[] getVoicedCommandList()
    	return _voicedCommands;


    This part which i have written takes 5 Festival Adena from you and gives you full vitality!


    Dunno if this code is right i just started java so don't be bad with me :P


    If any l2j dev sees this fix my mistakes plz , if you can.




    Thank you.


    This is my part of the code


    	else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("getvitality"))
    		if (activeChar.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(6673, 0) >= 5)
    			activeChar.sendMessage("Your vitality has been replenished!");
    			activeChar.sendMessage("You don't have enough Festival Adena.You need at least 5 Festival Adena.");



    * LOCKED * - Please any l2j dev pm me to unlock this if the code is right.

  7. yeah i left it open and also i dont minimize it

    Also up to create back write         time now:null

                                               Next backup:null






    - = [] READ ME [] = -


    How to Install:


    - Unrar in a location like C:\MySQLBackup

    - DO NOT unrar in desktop (especially if you have greek windows)


    i unrar in my desktop and i have grek windows this is the problem!


    NOTICE: Be carefull with your backups now cause there will some backups which will be 0 kb. Delete them so that you won't install them accidently.

  8. hello and sorry but im a noob about java ..... i dont understand this :


    Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers/AdminTownWar.java


    --- java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers/AdminTownWar.java   (revision 0)

    +++ java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers/AdminTownWar.java   (revision 0)



    what is this java - files or folder becouse i cant find this ? i try search in forum soneting abot l2 java but i cant find anything ? some one can help me litle ?


    tnx  , whne i start this them i will say you my opiniom about this :)


    @drogata Check here -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=44325.0


    @ontopic Too many bugs as i see it , you might need more time to finish this I suggest to lock it until the code is fully working to prevent spam.

  9. OMG Exellent share...... I tried to find a way to keep a backup every day automaticly and now come you and gave me the way..... :):):):)  THANKS    one thing only to keep buckup every ## hours... you must keep the program open? because you say about save changes.. and after we close it.... but if you want explain me more.....:)


    Im afraid you have to leave it open for it to make autobackups...

    (Although it does not consume lots of ram only like 2 - 3 mb while its not minimized on minimized mode it consumes like 1 - 1.5 mb or ram)

  10. If it says something about about themida packer, ignore it by disabling your antivirus. If it reports a virus other than themida, delete your system and find another one.


    As Hax0r said that virus alert is because l2.exe is packed so that it can't be easily modded by cheaters.

    So follow what Hax0r said and you will be ok.


  11. Is there any other language beside that one? Guess this topic was created half-brained.


    Here is [GR] Section so don't expect us to speak english!


    @Anyway in this topic the author just asks if anyones know any Gold Bar exploit in servers that use gold bar as a saving method for adena.

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