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Everything posted by Neil912

  1. Sold him adena and a couple items...trusted buyer!
  2. Everything is sold. Adena - 16.3 billion in stock +7 Maphrs Shirt (Account only) - awesome stats on it though The Brooch contains Level 4 of Ruby, Emerald, Pearl, and Diamond (Account only)
  3. Bought from these guys twice now and have not had any problems. Quick and reliable!
  4. This is the same guy as highbb who scammed me. Look at the threads of both accounts and see how similar the wording is. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/188062-coreadena99-toonsr99-gearcheapsafe/
  5. Hello all, I am looking for adena mainly, but also interested in 7 signs talismans, epic jewelry + bottles ( Antharas, Bless Zaken, Baium or Baium soul). I have bought from citygamer before when I was playing on chronos. Just ask citygamer how much I paid...it was a lot. I did get banned though...sad story. I have also bought from sellersandfriends. Both can vouch for me. After being scammed twice I have been thinking carefully about how to proceed. Paypal - I am a verified member. I will only do this through middleman and I will of course pay for all fees associated with this method. Once deemed trusted I can make small transactions as gift. Western Union - I will send as next day. All transactions must be made within minutes of finalizing a deal. If you try to log off or block me after receiving your MTCN and details, which I will verify with you completely; I will respond to such actions by revoking the western union transfer. Middleman - MevsYou has been helpful here and I will use him for services. Once I know that you can be trusted then we can forego this option. SKYPE: neilp912
  6. I purchased adena from him via western union and he has yet to deliver and it has been 2 days. He has not responded to me on Skype and now appears offline. If you plan to try and buy from him then wait until I receive the adena owed to me and I will leave positive feedback for this seller. Right now I am frustrated with my transaction with him, which is impossible for me to get back. He will not use paypal.
  7. Don't purchase from him yet. I bought adena and he has yet to respond to me and give me the adena. It has been 2 days since I sent him via western union. He will not accept paypal. Once he actually logs back on Skype to say we are good and delivers the adena then I will leave positive feedback.
  8. I trust this seller 100% and received my adena very quickly. Thanks so much!
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