Hello all,
I am looking for adena mainly, but also interested in 7 signs talismans, epic jewelry + bottles ( Antharas, Bless Zaken, Baium or Baium soul). I have bought from citygamer before when I was playing on chronos. Just ask citygamer how much I paid...it was a lot. I did get banned though...sad story. I have also bought from sellersandfriends. Both can vouch for me. After being scammed twice I have been thinking carefully about how to proceed.
Paypal - I am a verified member. I will only do this through middleman and I will of course pay for all fees associated with this method. Once deemed trusted I can make small transactions as gift.
Western Union - I will send as next day. All transactions must be made within minutes of finalizing a deal. If you try to log off or block me after receiving your MTCN and details, which I will verify with you completely; I will respond to such actions by revoking the western union transfer.
Middleman - MevsYou has been helpful here and I will use him for services. Once I know that you can be trusted then we can forego this option.
SKYPE: neilp912