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Everything posted by OldSmuggler

  1. how much u offering for friendship?
  2. edited ! now have 200kk adena in stock too !!!
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189606-close/?p=2457778
  4. sold last night to "sinael
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189606-wts-1kkk-on-motherland-rpg-club-x3-25-euro/ and in report section , spamming me in skype too. This guy has a vendetta for romanian people or what , i do not understand.Or he has orgasms when he reports someone . i want his comment deleted.
  6. i think my friend you have some serious mental problems...
  7. WTS 1kkk on motherland russian server PRICE IS 25 EURO . OFFER IS AVALIABLE FOR FEW HOURS PM ME HERE OR ADD ME ON SKYPE !!!! SKYPE : old.smuggler1992 i sell it cheap because i left server and moved on core official , adena is farmed legally , never used bot .
  8. oke man wish you all the good luck ! :)
  9. hello , maybe you are interested in buying 85-87 characters? like iss, wynn summoners... etc ? pm me maybe we can work something out :D
  10. wts wynnsummoner 85 event items wts iss enchanter 88 event items. Adena stock: 200kk skype: Old.Smuggler1992
  11. Hello dear maxcheaters people , today me and a friend of mine decided to join this site , and we would like an admin that can start a new vote , i think WarFrame should be a new topic on this server . I think people will be verry interested in joining to buy/sell/trade here . Who Supports this idea please respond to this message and let me know .I do not want to waste anybody's time , i just think it's a good idea and a lot of people will join maxcheaters.
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