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Everything posted by babyjason

  1. i m paying 30 eur/armor adaptation from 1 chronicle to another, pm anyone who s interested
  2. anyone can decrypt Pawnanimdata.dat underground anybody has it? if yes plz share here ty alot been searching for days
  3. I need to adapt 5 npcs with sound from helios to io , i pay 50 us, whomever is interested pm me. Urgent.
  4. this is what happens when a player makes a server for fun and money, thinking he can just leech other people's work, without spending years and tens of thousands of hours on official playing the game, then makin ghis own core, so he understand the game mechanics, classes and such. this is just another clone server of many others much better, who's admins actually do the work, not buy it thinking they got something special when in fact it s just another custom pack. maybe he s telling the truth he wanted to make something special, but you cannot simply not work 1 day on server and achieve that, there are no official packs, a server takes years to make a single chronicle, there are no shortcuts. Maybe the one s who sold u the pack for thousands of euros told u it s off like, but it s not by far and has tons of exploits. Either u buy the sources and work yourself on core, or you are forever dependent on their 1 man who actually works on the core, and who ofc doesen t have time to play the game since hi5, so all the fixes are based on their client s requests wich in most cases are wrong. Either do the hardwork for years or accept you just use a shitty buggy leeched server based on old cores made by someone else wich has nothing to do with retail. For ex clone attack still doesen t work on their pack, and never will probably and daggers formulas are completly off, blows sounds is off, p crit dmg on skills doesen t work right, i could continue for 2 pages. Simply put hire 2-3 ppl to work on core, and after 1 year u can have a decent server . No one sells good packs, and the reason is exactly as stated above, costs years to make 1 chronicle decent. jumping from chronicle to chronicle just means more buggs, and even old buggs that are fixed get bugged . Reflect resist and reflect damage for ex are still fucked in their pack and debuff resist, debuff attacks are completly off practically making all classes off regardless of damage formulas wich are using still the ss boost 0f 7^ but gl anyways.
  5. all of a sudden armorgrp.dat cannot be saved, only viewed any ideeas? it s the same file i opened 1 year ago and edited... some more friends have the same issue, even using different l2 file edits and pc s. Internal soft mesh or tex limit for MTX[123] field 'm_HumnFigh_add' set too high or to zero (6 / 9).
  6. offline?
  7. l2scripts is full of exploits and bugs, ability point exploit works (u can choose any ability point), l2phx works (duped items, or any enchant) u can pm daniil on skype, fb he will dupe any item u wish for in game. also l2scripts is based on hi5 and old godworld lindvior core, reflect damage /resist is bugged, most instances are bugged, p crit dmg works as in hi5, p skill crit dmg is not even added, stacks of buffs is wrong, lindvior drops every stage epic lol, attributes work as in hi5 and has cap, evasion accuracy is just bad, magical critical damage increases any crit 10x folds lol, if u didn t buy their core for 3000 eur you didn t do shit, u have a broken l2j server.
  8. not much sense u make. stop trolling, go to ur garbage servers, here no wipe ever, and full official god game mechanics updated to io formulas. ty for bumping topic btw. ur trolling is at least useful for smt.
  9. no one gives a fuck that u don t have time or will to play on the ONLY PRIVATE SERVER THAT HAS NO WIPES EVER and is FULL GOD GAME MECHANICS. there are 1 billion shitty garbage private servers that wipe every few monnths give out star wars enchants and rates, go play there. this server is for the people who love l2 , clean l2, with real l2 god game mechanics, since there is no wipes and no items only for donations , since all items and enchants can easily be achieved in game, furthermore u start with full epics and overenchanted gear, for any l2 players the server is too easy.
  10. u left the server? no, u got banned, because u tried to sell ur accounts for real money, u opened topic here in maxcheaters, gm announced in game (rosahnf also). stop the bs, ur nose will grow.
  11. On a server that NEVER WIPES, no need to donate for anything, all items droping in game, getting epics and over enchanted top gear at start, and making millions and top gear in 1 day... it s shameful to cry. Maybe tetris or super mario is more suited for you, not all people are meant to play an mmo RPG (role playing game) . if you don t have 2 hours to play daily, why play? go play tetris. Go to your other servers that wipe every 3 -6 months to get your donations. in the meantime:
  12. wtb l2scripts no ip binded release, pm me for details
  13. lolz
  14. all players should boycott this shit server! this is why we have 10 000 retarded l2 private servers and only 0.01% of them any good!
  15. well, i have played on server that have been up for 5 years even more, without any wipe. so you are wrong
  16. i just realized this server is on and off each year wipe lol. what a fucking bad joke. you must be stupid to play on this shit server
  17. it s not a test server, is the only server withotu wipes, so 1 week to get full is not "hard" by any means. well, whatever floats ur boat, but this is l2, if u dont have time to play it... why bother? maybe if ur naked /facefoot or u confuse servers, archers are not by far the biggest dd on server, daggers are much more dangerous or even evis with their steel mind... best pve s ever.
  18. buying l2 file edit for infinite odyssey, must open all DAT files includeing skillgrp.dat , abnormaldefaulteffects dat and more. pm me .
  19. for infinity odyssey not working, tons of files cant open, skillgrp etc
  20. hello, i cant find anywhere l2 file edit for infinite odyssey, skillgrp.dat and other files cant be opened with older editors. ty
  21. from their website, it seams pretty cool: From Infinite Odissey Part 2: Hymn of Soul, new armors have been added to server, such as: Lindvior Armor, Royal and Zubei Soul Armor, and also some fun appearance armors such as Pirate Captain and Crew outfit, Musketeer Outfit, along with Soul Cloaks for each class, or Dragon Cloaks, enjoy the small preview bellow: infinite odyssey Hymn of soul content added
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