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  1. Hello dear members, i was looking for buffs-skills id's... Becouse some of buffs (Haste, Agility,etc.) they are still with 19 minutes... Others have beed added so they are 3 hours. Can anyone post them here please?
  2. Yea, it's frozen Have fun boy!
  3. Np mate, have fun with it, for everything feel free to reply here!
  4. For sure. Balance on skills, fixed armors/weapons stats (they where freaking bad) New zones, fixed (Vote NPC) And some bugs.
  5. Yea i know, i have make some changes to make it stable for a live server. Also i have share it here for free ^^
  6. Why to pay 40 euros to a noob dev since L2J is free.?
  7. Nicolas is still here? hahaha. :D
  8. These files that i have share, are much better :)
  9. No, i just have make some changes on skills and fixed some bugs.
  10. Hello dear members, how we can use image size like this:
  11. just Be a partner, i'm getting more than 800 euros montly from my account, from only 1 video. :) that gots 800k views.
  12. You have onboard video graphics. Not the best for this game, but you can get by. AGP is a slot on your computer's circuit boards that should otherwise be occupied, which it evidently isnt. It means your computer doesnt use a video card. this will mean your CPU is being used far more extensively by default.
  13. Hello dear member of MaxCheaters. Today i will share L2Primer Server files. I was working on the a long time ago. Files are really stable and balance for Live server, Primer was running 300+ online without any problem. Here are some features: Lineage II Primer CUSTOM PVP SERVER Rates: •Experience: x5000 •Spexperience: x5000 •Party Experience: x5000 •Party Spexperience: x5000 •Adena: x5000 •Drop Item Karma: x1 Enchant Rates: •Safe 4 Max 16 Normall :70% •Safe 4 Max 16 Blessed: 100% •Safe 4 Max 20 Crystall: 100% Basic Features: •Version:Interlude Custom-PVP •Farm system Easy to medium •NPC Buffer (3H Buffs) & (Unlimited slots) •Captcha Anti Farm System •Anti Heavy System Custom Items: •L2Primer Armor (Intact Armor) •L2Primer Weapons (Hero Weapons) •L2Primer Shield (Intact Shield) •L2Primer Mask (Intact Mask) Npc: •Casino Club •Gm shop •Custom Shop •Farm Protector •Vote Shop •Vote Manager •GrandBoss Status •Clan Manager •Gatekeeper •Achievements •Augmenter •Enchanter Skill •Siege Manager Basic Command: •Command .menu •Command .deposit •Command .withdraw Farm Areas: •Cave of Trials •Primeval Isle Peace Zones: •Hunters Village •Gludin Village Olympiad System: • Olympiad Work: 100% • Retail Like Files include Backup, patch, pack and source: http://www.mediafire...urce backup.rar
  14. Please, post here your server configs.
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