New VDSs Incoming ( PRE-ORDER ONLINE ) , if someone need vds with very cheap price , ovh ddos protection and 99.9 Server stability please add me on skype to reserve a vds!
Main Incoming PC
CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1225v2 ( 3.9 Ghz )
Ram: 32 GB
HDD: 2x 120 GB ( SSD )
Connection: 1 Gbps Port - 200 Mbps Band Pass
DDos Protection: OVH
OS: Windows Server 2008 or 2003 / Centos 6.5
Virtualization: VMware
The prices starts from 30 euro / monthly - ( 3 VDS Left )
VDS1: ---- ( Name )
VDS2: ---- ( Name )
VDS3: ---- ( Name )
Skype: j_tavernarakis