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About localh85

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    United States

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  1. Still looking forward to it. The only mid-rate Interlude official available that isn't ruined with +16 draconic bow donations.
  2. AdvExt64. I have tried this lately which some what works, but it is not correct. What this does, is that it seems to cancel just some buffs, perhaps 10 at a time, every 10 minutes. I want it to happen just once and for it to wipe everything upon entering the territory. I am guessing that "operate_type=P" and "initial_delay = 1" is part of it. skill_begin skill_name=[area_cancel] skill_id=11031 level=1 operate_type=P magic_level=1 effect={{i_dispel_by_category_count;24;slot_buff;100}} is_magic=0 mp_consume2=0 cast_range=-1 effective_range=-1 skill_hit_time=0 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0 reuse_delay=0 attribute=attr_none effect_point=0 target_type=self affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none ride_state={@ride_none} skill_end //Siege Dispel area_begin name=[gludio_castle] map_no = {19;21} type=instant_skill target=pc skill_name=[area_cancel] skill_prob=100 initial_delay = 1 default_status=on range = {{-22615;104510;-4448;3551};{-13290;104564;-4448;3551};{-13313;116950;-4448;3551};{-22638;116896;-4448;3551}} area_end area_begin name=[dion_castle] map_no = {20;22} type=instant_skill target=pc skill_name=[area_cancel] skill_prob=100 initial_delay = 1 default_status=on range = {{26575;165240;-4642;4000};{17250;165186;-4642;4000};{17273;152800;-4642;4000};{26598;152854;-4642;4000}} area_end
  3. I am having a tremendous time getting buffs canceled when you walk on castle areas. I am trying to make it so 1 hour NPC/AIO buffs are dispelled when you enter castle areas and it is only retail spells that must be cast there. Here is what I have, and I have tried a number of variations Any ideas? Area Data //Siege Dispel area_begin name=[gludio_castle] map_no = {19;21} type=instant_skill target=pc skill_name=[area_cancel] skill_prob=100 initial_delay = 1 default_status=on range = {{-22615;104510;-4448;3551};{-13290;104564;-4448;3551};{-13313;116950;-4448;3551};{-22638;116896;-4448;3551}} area_end area_begin name=[dion_castle] map_no = {20;22} type=instant_skill target=pc skill_name=[area_cancel] skill_prob=100 initial_delay = 1 default_status=on range = {{26575;165240;-4642;4000};{17250;165186;-4642;4000};{17273;152800;-4642;4000};{26598;152854;-4642;4000}} area_end Skill Data skill_begin skill_name=[area_cancel] skill_id=11031 level=1 operate_type=A1 magic_level=1 effect={{i_dispel_by_category;slot_buff;100}} is_magic=0 mp_consume2=0 cast_range=-1 effective_range=-1 skill_hit_time=0 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0 reuse_delay=0 attribute=attr_none effect_point=0 target_type=self affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none ride_state={@ride_none} skill_end
  4. Do you really think there would be "1337" people online during a server test? top kek
  5. Looks like a real Lineage 2 server
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