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About burns26

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  1. iv had a chance to read into this I look forward to playing a mmo version of dbz and id even pay
  2. LMAO this thread is full of win!
  3. oh and one more note how is pirating music any different then us using a pirated copy of lineage two or any private server game to play any different? I'm not saying it's wrong for us to do so just another way to look at it...rather ironic if you think pirating music is wrong but pirating videogames such as mmos is fine.......(not that we should stop private servers ^-^)
  4. My opinion in it is I don't like paying 20 to 30 bucks for a cd with several songs I've never even heard before however at the same time I realize that I have to buy these products in order to support my bands as this is what they do for a living not for their free time. With that being said usually I pirate and if I like the stuff I will buy the CD to support them and because you can always find a use for a CD
  5. excellent site I've been looking for something like this for a LONG time ;D
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