OK I figured the problem out.
The bot works great but.... Server has some shitty anti-bot protection.... This is what I got when I pushed "BeginAttack"
06:14:10 L2DeathAvenue autobanning system for illegal action, GM informed. $s2
Maybe you have any ideas how can I come-arround this protection?
Hey Paul, I don`t know whats wrong but I keep getting "05:40:36 ->Login VerifyServer Fail." In the OOG.
I haven`t used OOG a lot so perhaps I didn`t made something right, any ideas ?
Thanks in advance :)
So I downloaded official gracia part2 system, copied the serveradr from the patched system l2.ini to the official, but when i press l2.exe nothing happens. The game doesnt even starts to load.
The protection must be inside the l2.exe, becouse when i copy it to the official system and try to start, heres what i get:
Maybe someone has run into a similar anti-bot protection?
When i start l2 from IG walker, heres what i get:
I have no idea how to turn this protection off, maybe some of you would have a suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
1. Service Manager is kinda rare, especially with so many different features, so you would probbably need to create one yourself, or with help.
2. Tell what server pack are you using and maybe you have found "SkillDurationList =" feature somewhere in your config folders. This allows you to wirte skill Id and duration time not searching trough files.
Or you could visit
3. tattoos.... for gracia it`s also custom, so once again i`ll dissapoint you and say that u`ll gonna need to do it yourself or try searching harder.
If you want to find the right multisell, go to html/merchant/GMshop.htm (for example) open in notepad and look for the line wheres is your trading table named, for example "Gold Bar", or "Boss Jewel" as it seems you want to find. Now find the line
<td><button value="Boss Jewel" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 100" width=77 height=21
This _multisell 100" is the multisell file this trading table is using. For example: this is using 100.xml multisell file which is located in my data/multisell folder.
Hope it helped