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About Alskling

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  1. Wts SK 48 Pa/Club Card (28.03) Items from Pa pack (152 COL)/ D grade armor/jew - 25 Euro
  2. SWS 78 lvl 12% / 93 kk SP -> Char is NAKED / Do NOT have 76 + skills. BD 78 lvl 3% / 50kk SP -> Char is NAKED / Hvy armor mastery, hex, dual weapon mastery from 77 lvl, Do not have other skills from 76+. SE 78 lvl 1% / 700k sp -> Char is NAKED / Recharge and stigma from 78 lvl, Do not have DW/POW and others skills from 76+. WC 77 lvl 97% Dlvled from 78 / 1,9kk sp -> Char is NAKED / Freezing flame, Dreaming spirit, Stela Essenca from 78 lvl , Battle Cry from 77, Life Saver from 76, Power Crush from 74 All Characters do not have all skills learned. SWS/BD/SE -> 40 Euro per 1 WC -> 60 Euro
  3. WTS Adena 100kk pack for 50 euro Skelth server Paypal payment
  4. Wts Sigel Eva's Templar lvl. 100/Tyrr Grand Khavatari lvl. 100 Brooch jewel : Diamon lv 3/Ruby lv 2/Pearl lv 2/Topaz lv 1 Dye x2 +5 Con/ 1x +5 Str First 3 exalted q done. Char is Naked. 30 Euro or Adena on skelth Server
  5. Wts Iss Hierophant 101 Dual class 99 Aeore SS Char is naked, some boost exp items. Need only lvl 100 on dual class to finish 3rd exaletd q 25 euro or adena on skelth - SOLD
  6. Core: Iss Hierophant 101/Aeore Shilen Saint 99 - Need only lvl 100 on dualclass to finish 3rd exalted quest. Char is naked. Some exp items in wh. Price 30 Euro Skelth: Bd 49 - Char is naked Price 15 euro or 15kk
  7. Naked bd 49 lvl 80%, exp runes 100% x5/exp scrolls. 20 euro or 18kk
  8. Everything was fast, great contact, I recommend that seller.
  9. nvm work now, thx. Btw i see that gm shop is almost like on off, you gonna delete epics/bottle from gm shop? This gonna disbalance server at start.
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