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Everything posted by R3DST0RM

  1. can someone pm me with link for the trial reset tool i see a gm deleted the authors post "- warez not allowed -" tnx again
  2. I know about this too , but dont know the details... pm too dont post it pm me
  3. That is very usefull patch, only have 1 question/regret... i like having my mouse3 button for quick rear view. Does anyone know how i can make that work again or what line i need to edit in the ini files in order to keep the old mouse 3 key assignment.
  4. i'm not sure if its relavent but im getting diferent results with all the diferent versions of l2phx. many weird combinations happen..like item fails and i get crystals [real crystals] and the item is at the same time in the warehouse.Pull it out - real.Relog ..all is still there Cry's + item. Wich versions are you all using? i try on same server with 3.16 russian & english 3.18 russian & english 3.18 adriahu mod beta english i get more reliable results with the russian versions..
  5. hmm maybe try to send it to both private and clan ware..
  6. dude this thing DOES NOT HIT ANYONE/ANYTHING you dont do any damage to the target nothing ,nada, 0 dmg.. you and other people ONLY SEE THE ANIMATION and the SS charge nothing happens if you use it correctly
  7. this is actually getting interesting discussion OK so there are NO enchant bugs but this is not a bug ..can we somehow confirm that when a gm/mod/admin makes a legitimate restart .. for example - /announcements: server restart in 2 min. please log out and then on all the servers i ever played on at the last 30 sec. of the announcement begins a countdown with big font right in middle of the screen. if those last 30 sec. are automatically rolled back it could be used for taking the chance mentioned above.. still a chance ...just need somehow to confirm if the servers are set up that way to rollback some time in a manually initiated restart
  8. Just to add that after a complete re-install of the game-only [not OS] fixed the problem.. really weird is that it worked from my home network on the laptop..no idea what they did but l2crazy is ran by russians and anything is possible as 80% of the good l2 software/hack and stuff comes from them :xd maybe its still there and a re-install was unnecessary and this ban was just temporary as a warning..who knows if any of you more experienced l2cheaters wants to go make an account for experimenting..its easy they dont validate email's just click click acc. created/...u can make as many as u wish regards
  9. it's simple ..click on warehouse deposit.. then don't touch anything there, just leave it open ..and then click on your inventory icon [the little bag ]. only works in l2j not in l2off if its not working ..most likely its an off server
  10. i'll tell you a story im in process of trying to figure it out my self ok i have a few [hmm 15+ accounts] on l2crazy i play on x7 im bored there and just recently i try to do some things...never before i try any bot/l2phx programs there.. so what happened....after few unsucessfull things..i get kicked out of game and i cant log in there any more the account that i try to use exploits there gets this message at main log in screen "There is no time left on this account" all my other accounts get "access failed, please try again later" what i did..i run hdspoof i run hwspoofer i run smac...nothing no result all same i get tired and go to sleep next day.. i try again ..same story so i try something that normaly doesnt make much sense but i try anyway i put all game folders on a USB HD..USB HD coonected to the PC wich got the "ban" on that account then i share the folder on my home network..and from my 2nd PC i access it and try to run it on the USB drive >> through the home network >> on the 2nd PC and i get in all the accounts.. but on the main PC i still cant get in..... my partners there try to log in the account in question..and it works ..its not banned/deleted//..but i cant log it in post if u'e seen anything like this before
  11. +136 ..yea that would sound an alarm definitely i did it on abyss x7 c4 (no manna potions!! before u start flaming) vicious Stance for mp cost to +21
  12. better here than to spam the good section.. maybe lock? ^^
  13. yea its a c/p job but i havent seen it here on these forums...so leave the guy alone , hes actually trying to post something instead of spam others anyway the best of all those [but it doesnt work anymore, worked only in old old c1/c2/c3/some not all c4] was the put enchant in /vendor...and it worked best if u get 3 enchants to fail in a row..then take it and enchant 4th time for real.. but not working anymore...any type of action cancels the enchant scroll ..prettymuch everywhere
  14. yes the download speed was very slow for me too..and it would let me down 1 at a time..but so what :)
  15. Topa, how does the pvp work? i ask you since you the only poster that posted AFTER playing it.. not just like me and everyone else..beeing lazy and only comments lol :xd
  16. ppl.. if you were actualy to read through the topic..u just might find out all that you want to find out...instead you click page1..ohhhhhh 200 .page 6....reply: damn 200 come on now..im giving you a hint..read and totti..2 posts ..same quote and u have the count..why u do this? the poster seems like is away..i've asked few questons without reply hope he gets back soon
  17. ok..so this little thing cleans up the frames per second on all the windows in background...good now it's in Russian and many people need translation.. ill ask one question here a bit off topic but i need answer in order to help further.. silly or not.. i don't know how to make my Windows [OS] to display programs coded in Cyrillic... my browser has Cyrillic but all other foreign programs display gibberish #$%$@$ ... I'm fluent in Russian but where i live i don't need to use it or the Cyrillic alphabet, therefore i never had the need to make my PC in cyrilic...i'm getting to the point... i know allot about PC's ...but we we're not born knowing ALL! So I ask if someone can tell me how to make my OS to display software in it's original coding..then i can translate the program for you guys regards PS; reply not needed to be in the topic..send me pm is better not to clutter here
  18. I know what stack means. good god...4 skill sets poooownzer that should be insane.... are any of the combinations nerfed or it's all too new and experimental? oh..ps: Nitro i just noticed low x5 server in the works.. im a fan of low rate..question.. would it be in concideration to make the low rate server like the pvp one ..with all sub skill sets?
  19. what does that mean? :xd Źádost o zaslání VOC k vašemu účtu na serveru Light Elmore (1x) byla zpracována (maxcheaters) Mail byl úspěšně odeslán na adresu uvedenou při registraci Držte své VOC v tajnosti, nikomu ho nesdělujte.
  20. hmm im having trouble with that VOC code..what the hell i do with it?
  21. cool tnx i go check it out can lock this topic regards
  22. yes seriously can someone upload a working c6 file soo much spam and the author still havent updated his links regards
  23. hi, when i click on icon "hide something in post" i get this [ hide ] [ /hide ] right..so how do i give it parameters for post count??? tnx
  24. i dont have 60 posts yet but i think i know it..so i put it in hide mode .....someone tell me if im right you make macro /attackforce /vendor and then what happens is the vendor command is executed immeadiatly so it skipps the attack command and all u see is the animation of the attack [/hide] it can be used to trick ppl to hit a RB ..lol like "hey dude ,,damn looll this RB is bugged..it doesn't wantt o attack me look [macro] ..lol
  25. hmmm looks pretty / intresting for wich server is it going to be?
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