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cryptonakos4444 last won the day on November 6 2024

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About cryptonakos4444

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  1. https://prnt.sc/Bkkc0ShGXv9m https://prnt.sc/-JFLvZXsn27A
  2. bro you need other tools for do that working... and other files... listen to me... you need UTPT to open the class or take the textures like this... https://prnt.sc/cHneGXEgxlwJ from here you can take what ever you want and after go make in Notepad ++ paste -> save as .uc latter on you must have source for interface to compile your new interface.u with new .uc you put inside this .uc what you made and thats create all the script lets say about the fuctionality of buttons... NEXT... Go download Xdat Editior go open file -> interface.xdat and copy one by one handmade all the Wnd and childrens... after you get in l2.exe and you can use ///reloadui or ///show windowname to help you fix your windows without close and open the l2.exe all the time...
  3. Γεια σε ολους, προσπαθω εδω και 2 μερες να κανω αυτο το πραγμα να λειτουργει. το καταφερα για ενα διαστημα 5 ωρων. αλλα φαινεται οτι το discord μου κανει block to dll. ή κατι αλλο που δεν μπορω να ειμαι σιγουρος για το τι φταιει... αν καποιος γνωριζει κατι ας στειλει ενα pm να το δουμε μαζι. *το source το εφιαξα εγω. https://youtu.be/kMvrbo9VBZc ενα βιντεο που δειχνει πως δουλευε πριν σταματησει να δουλευει... https://prnt.sc/_cr3hBOs6jQG -solved
  4. the most simple way is to delete this from xdat and will be stop interact visual with it.
  5. in .uc give info about the window posibilities, and .xdat is just a place to put buttons and visual things not has to do at all with anyother thing. and also to connect java with uc need dll most of the times... this share i think is not have... so will never will work like in video
  6. bro thats stop attack after 1-2 hits must be from your auto mana pots or skill mana pots or from mana pots generally to add more to solve something is not correct way, you have to get know why it stop first
  7. Everyone knows what if someone make l2off server can create his own or maybe buy something better with better quality, but about ( for now is a bit expensive ). Noone can put values on work of other, some stuffs is like a art and artist. picaso pains dont worth millions. it's just a paints. you pay the time of picaso if someone is not picaso for you go find your picaso then and thats it
  8. 120 euro is expensive when some people ask for 50-60 euro per month for it ?
  9. Hello guys i have make at the multisell to give the weapons +10, its works but does not appear the enchant level!!! Maybe someone can give me the interface.u for interlude? i want it like this
  10. Ehhh its ok... i put it like this... https://prnt.sc/nXR0S807JIbJ i just want to add this part in my map correctly, and i was trying to find and type of photo or map to copy that xD arcan town, garden of genesis etc..
  11. i actually care about this corner of map only if exist with out lines etc https://prnt.sc/HS873pYNMapM
  12. hahaha you are big mate !!! i really appriciate
  13. haha nice and you want money for give it ? or you just want keep it personal and you suggest me to buy it from creator. i dont understand the reason what you just show this and this
  14. this map was shared with geodata in early 2022, if i am correct anyway this guy who have it allready know.. but this maps noone use it for some reason
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