I've played enough GvE yet the only event u have is a "take bases here and there and protect them", theres no TvT where kills counts to see who wins, no domination, no CTF, no deathmatch, no respawn system everytime u die u gotta get back to the city and port in, that makes the events boring as fuck because you're never grouped u come as u die theres no downtimes where a team is weaker because theres a respawn timer and random respawns, u choose the base where u want to respawn and just port there after u ress. Also, "only 1 thing I can agree its about balance but now its fixed", also u have said that balance is fixed 3 times in this post already, but its not, the last hit takes all the rewards for a kill is dumb as fuck, why would you play a healer? why would u play a tank? why would you play a duelist for the AoE dmg? only classes worth playing are ST nukers rest is just not worth it, fix the obvious stuff then open the server, not the other way around