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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Agree :P Kaloriziko pantos file ;)
  2. Anyway, Since there is not a server like this.. Locked.
  3. There is not a shit like this. Sorry but it's a shit, it's not l2.
  4. Re-Hidded. Do not unhide it or I will junk it. They're important files.
  5. Πολύ παράξενα ήταν όλοι...Και εγώ τη μια πίστευα πως είναι στημένα και την άλλη πως δεν είναι....Ο καθένας βγάζει τα συμπεράσματα του.
  6. Banned. Spamming is not allowed in this forum. Locked.
  7. Όντως θα ήταν ωραίο αλλά θα κρατούσε για λίγο. Να ξέρεις γενικά πως το L2 όπως και σχεδόν όλα τα Games χρησιμοποιούνται με σκοπό τα χρήματα. Τίποτα δεν γίνεται δωρεάν. Τώρα όσον αφορά το L2, κανείς δεν θα άνοιγε έναν Private Server και θα έδινε κάποια χρήματα κάθε μήνα χωρίς να τα παίρνει από κάπου πίσω, θα ήταν ηλίθιο. Σκέψου πχ, τον εαυτό σου, να έχεις έναν server και να δίνεις κάθε μήνα 300 ευρώ για να έχεις τον server σου ανοιχτό. Λογικό δεν είναι αυτά τα 300 ευρώ να τα βγάζεις από κάπου? Δηλαδή δεν γίνεται κάθε μήνα να δίνεις 300 ευρώ από την τσέπη σου, εκτός αν είσαι ο πρωθυπουργός! Ελπίζω να έγινα κατανοητός.
  8. Αυτό που ζητάς είναι αρκετά δύσκολο και θα πρέπει να γνωρίζεις client modding για να το καταφέρεις. Καλύτερα να βρεις dual weapons από το forum και να τα περάσεις στο server σου (έχουν γίνει share πάρα πολλά).
  9. Την ώρα που το δίνεις στον χαρακτήρα σου μήπως σου βγάζει κάποιο error στο gameserver console σου?
  10. Το τόπικ μετακινήθηκε στο σωστό μέρος. Τι NPC θέλεις ακριβώς φίλε μου?
  11. If I am not wrong, there is already a server with this name (l2core). You should check it man.
  12. Gratz for this share Fakoykas. I am really proud of you (generally)
  13. About auras, I know that it's a good server. 2000 players on... Anyway, close your ears, Demonik is waiting for you :P
  14. Sorry but you didn't mention that you want a server where l2phx works...
  15. Do you think that we're fool? This shit is not official. Locked.
  16. Your forum is not working or the problem is mine?
  17. You have 1 more hour to fix your topic (title and post). If you don't, I will junk your topic. Thanks
  18. You didn't answer to Blane's question.
  19. Hello, I am sure that many players were expecting this. L2DeathWhisper was opened on Fabruary of 2009, as you can see 8 months have already passed...8 Months full of adventures, full of activity, full of fame...We were a completed server, a server with full of players...I can't forget the day when we reached 550 players online...That was a great day for me, for Versus, for DeathWhisper in general. We were proud of ourselves and our project, cause...you know, it's not the easiest thing in the world...Anyway, as the months passed, things were getting worse and worse...new bugs and exploits were coming out,players who wanted to do bad things on our server started to give free items (bugged items)...We had only one option...A 2 days wipe!...Finally that was the worst thing for deathwhisper. From then, everything was going against us...More bugs, exploits, lag, crushes, players were leaving...Before the wipe we had 400+ players and after that 150-200...But that didn't stop us...We tried to revive our server, with a lot of updates, modifications, and a BIG wipe which came 1 month ago...After the wipe, server was not restored, was not revived, it was the same shit...100-150 players online every day, but we were a team at least. We were XxRxX and Versus, both of us means DeathWhisper. DeathWhisper can't stand with one of us alone...I can't handle DeathWhisper alone, and Versus can't handle DeathWhisper alone. Don't worry, the problem is not the money...We have enough money to keep this server online but we are not team anymore. Versus left L2DeathWhisper 3-4 days ago...I won't say that it was his fault and I won't blame him, it was his decision. As I said before, DeathWhisper can't exist without its team. So, I am really sorry but I have to announce that L2DeathWhisper closed. I would like to thank everyone who supported us and played on our server. A very special thanks to all donators, with their money they kept our server alive! I am not sure about DeathWhisper, I am not sure if we will come back one day or if it is the end of DeathWhisper, it doesn't depend on me but on Versus too... But if we don't open it again, you can open it by yourself, you can open your own DeathWhisper.(PM me for more info.) I don't know about Versus, but I will not stop here. I will continue the l2j shit. This time I will be with a different team, with some friends (real life friends). So, if you want, you can support my new project too. Its name is Lineage][Demonik. Thanks for everything, Yours, Frank (XxRxX) Locked N' Unsticked.
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