You need to change the values after LineageEffect.*_****_* the numbers its the effect position on weapon. Change them a little and see what happen. Try to put these lines on spear and see what happen 28.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000.
0 -1 0 LineageEffect.e_u092_a
the -1 value. If you set it at 1 weapon is hero and you cant see different colour if you set as -1 you can have hero glow and colour.
I dont get it i open the armor.grp with FileEditor but i cant see the lines body_part the 21/22 lines on the codes. I want to change doom tunic/stockings into one part armor in the client not in the server is that possible? Or its possible only with server files?
did you learn that??? Maybe you can write it with some more desire?? I wtore that i dont see the line you say so maybe you make better guide?
I dont get it i open the armor.grp with FileEditor but i cant see the lines body_part the 21/22 lines on the codes. I want to change doom tunic/stockings into one part armor in the client not in the server is that possible? Or its possible only with server files?
Hey guys i want to know how i can make breastplate/gaiters into full armor for example doom tunic/stockings into one armor like dark crystal robe. Can anyone explain me? I rly want to learn this.
sorry for the link i just found any upload site but seems it suck ***. I find other from the other Goddes Chronicle and it work fine as you can see on the video. but i see mawtaw7 upload it thanks. The color is not exackly the same as in GoD cause of worse Interlude perfomance.
I made it! now work 100% with the glow i wanted :)
Check this out!
Download link --- >
Change the topic into share now if you think its nice:).
I try it and it work but not in 100% the effect is like without the light and its look more like SoulShots No Grade hmm. Maybe its because of that Interlude have worst perfomance than GoD, but it work now so thanks alot for your time:)
yes that i need the purple r grade shots for interlude chronicle.
BTW i have the code for
but need the animations for it to work and i dont know how to make it.