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About Tristis

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  1. thnx anybody have the epic shield? i not find epic armor shares / patch files. i only want epic shield. anybody have it? must be with epic mask
  2. sry for no reply but I travel to another town. thnx for explain so much but u forget to tell me what program use to change java code. some custom // explain like titles for parts of code will also help. also all this client-side right? u also no tell me why pc think unreal runtime engine is virus and no permission to run as administrator. and something I know but other newbies maybe not know: to open .jar files need jdk (java development kit) right? I just no understand why every post now is written like other is not total newbie. till 3 years ago posts explain everything: system requirements, install of program step-by-step etc. before start explain how use program.
  3. But I can do that. not like you but I can change a EXISTING armor's color with unreal editor. just export .dds then import save encode with l2encdec and done. what I ask is how to change class or move npc to another .utx and change color. Me npc is like this in armorgrp.dat: 29055 LineageNPC.teleport_npc 1 0 2 4416 19 1.200000 0 1 5 MonSound.Hit_Soul_8 MonSound.Hit_Soul_7 MonSound.Hit_Metal_10 MonSound.Hit_Metal_16 MonSound.Hit_Soul_6 1 0 1 0 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 0 50.000000 250.000000 70.000000 0 1 also your unreal engine runtime blocked by windows defender as virus. also no allow me to run as administrator. and I never understand those GitHub etc. files. I not know how to build file. for example in acmi l2tool I see no file I can open only build files and java files. I just haven't work on ukx and staticmeshes because links difficult like above and most of times blocked as virus. why there are no guides for newbies? "use l2tool" but never say how to open l2tool and l2tool is many .xml and .java files. none say how open l2tool and how to open .bat files and java files downloaded from a site with safety. you say "search for patch for unreal runtime" but I see no guide of how to open unreal runtime step-by-step. in what directory best put? why windows see it as virus? and then you say "search for another GitHub that computer can block as virus". no offense. I just not understand why there are no step-by-step guides anymore. every guide start like developer programs u can download from GitHub links with 100 .xml and .bat files with them and can contain virus or blocked as virus already installed in computer. why?
  4. ok 1st I would need tutorial for acmi l2tool install. 2. I use unreal editor. I no find full unreal engine working. 3. I try change npc color with L2Editor (if some1 can give full unreal editor for .utx and .ukx files, thnx). it work if I just change. if I import in new .utx file no work. 4. the npc I want to change now only have class (the first part of npcgrp.dat). no other. in npcgrp.dat its like this: ID LineageNPC.name (no texture) 1 0 1 I saw this guide. unreal runtime not working. I even put .utx file to texture folder but nothing. then I try decrypt file first and I put file inside folder but still not work. I get critical error all time. the same with .ukx files.
  5. you mean this? https://github.com/acmi/l2tool
  6. I try with L2Editor but I not find class and m00 files so I change only t00 and npc become white after edit and import. I try full unreal engine 2 for ukx and other files but no work at all. and l2tool only in Chinese. it look like my main problem is most links no work.
  7. The problem is that I have search and there are no guides for newbies with working links. What program I use for 3D modeling and open LineageMonster2.u? Anyway at least what about change npc color? need 3d modeling for that too?
  8. add them? all npc effect codes in npcgrp.dat same. how add them? u say there are guides. u know link of guide for newbies with working download links of the programs? I only find umodel but it show only textures.
  9. sounds difficult. what you mean "editing knowledge"? I searched for guides and found none that makes sense because none of them has the programs needed in that post. so u can't even add a hero aura to an npc without 100 programs that are at least available in one post with a guide of how to use them? as I say there are guides but they are only for the ones that already have the needed programs and know how to use them.
  10. Hello. thanx for answering on my other topic. I want to add Anakim effect to npc (elf). but every time I try to change template or add code npc becomes Anakim. I tried all code changes in npcgrp.dat and db but nothing. I hear there is program or code for this, but I not find anywhere on search. I NOT WANT TO MAKE NEW EFFECTS OR NEW NPCS JUST ADD EFFECTS FROM OTHER NPCS THAT ALREADY EXIST. I search everywhere, but no guide or program.
  11. hi. every link is dead for share of l2vendetta epic weaps for IL or H5. I find only dark knight armor and dark knight mask but all dark knight weap links are outdated like this one: https://maxcheaters.com/topic/15727-share-mordor-weapons-by-kazeno-interlude-l2j/?ct=1590143350 anyone have them? None have old patches or something? Someone must have Dark Knight Weapons. I not know my request was so difficult.
  12. thank u. problem solved by creating a .bat file and placing it in l2encdec folder.
  13. same problem with the other version i tried to use. how do i import the l2encdec command to the system?
  14. hi. im looking for l2encdec for C6 because all links dead. i have a version in my computer in C:/ but says "l2encdec not recognizable command or batch" file when i try the command l2encdec -d 121 blabla.ukx all links dead pls help?
  15. Any chance to bypass the "Use original interface" error with this version?
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