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Everything posted by Marc_Mj

  1. yeah! thanks for your advise... but i´d already got a l2jsunrise its gonna be really interesting...
  2. package handlers.chathandlers; import com.l2jserver.Config; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.handler.IChatHandler; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.MapRegionManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.BlockList; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2World; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.PcCondOverride; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.CreatureSay; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.Util; /** * Shout chat handler. * @author durgus */ public class ChatShout implements IChatHandler { private static final int[] COMMAND_IDS = { 1 }; /** * Handle chat type 'shout' */ @Override public void handleChat(int type, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target, String text) { if (activeChar.isChatBanned() && Util.contains(Config.BAN_CHAT_CHANNELS, type)) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CHATTING_IS_CURRENTLY_PROHIBITED); return; } CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(activeChar.getObjectId(), type, activeChar.getName(), text); L2PcInstance[] pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayersArray(); if (Config.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CHAT.equalsIgnoreCase("on") || (Config.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CHAT.equalsIgnoreCase("gm") && activeChar.canOverrideCond(PcCondOverride.CHAT_CONDITIONS))) { int region = MapRegionManager.getInstance().getMapRegionLocId(activeChar); for (L2PcInstance player : pls) { if ((region == MapRegionManager.getInstance().getMapRegionLocId(player)) && !BlockList.isBlocked(player, activeChar) && (player.getInstanceId() == activeChar.getInstanceId())) { player.sendPacket(cs); } } } else if (Config.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CHAT.equalsIgnoreCase("global")) { if (!activeChar.canOverrideCond(PcCondOverride.CHAT_CONDITIONS) && !activeChar.getFloodProtectors().getGlobalChat().tryPerformAction("global chat")) { activeChar.sendMessage("Do not spam shout channel."); return; } for (L2PcInstance player : pls) { if (!BlockList.isBlocked(player, activeChar)) { player.sendPacket(cs); } } } } /** * Returns the chat types registered to this handler. */ @Override public int[] getChatTypeList() { return COMMAND_IDS; } } o forgot to say the console dosnt drop any error, and in the chatbox ingame too... no error texts... and the chat doest apear as well...
  3. Hi guys im looking for a NPC for a Multiskills server where you can learn wathever skills of race and classe in the same npc.... or any code for it? Thanks!
  4. Hi there! i have implemented the pvp ranksystem in my l2jps datapack, and now i guess its time implement it on core side... but i dont know wich lines i need to add...
  5. hi there! when i open the GMshop and i want to have a look at the GOD weapons or Infinity weapons y comes a message where it says no buy list with id : 13000/13001 the multisell doesnt open as well... and just say that the item when i create them i get them on my inventory.... someone knows where or how to fix this? thanks!
  6. Hi there... i´ve got a problem with the chat.. but i do not know since when... i saw a config.properties called PvPchatSystem. where it comes this... on the lasts lines i put 0 anf false with the leve required but same... isnt working... # --------------------------------------- # Section: Chat PvP System by Points # --------------------------------------- # Same as above, PvP's you need to use Chat Channels. # Example: PvpsToUseChatShout = 500, when a character's PvP counter reaches 500, their will Use ChatShout # Pvps to use Chat Shout # Default = False , 0 ChatShoutNeedPvps = False PvpsToUseChatShout = 0 # # Pvps to use chat Trade # Default = False , 0 ChatTradeNeedPvps = False PvpsToUseChatTrade = 0 # # Pvp necessary to use the chat ALL. # 0 Desactived. ChatAllNeedPvps = False NeedPvpUseChaT = 0 # level necessary to use the chat ALL. # 0 Desactived. ChatAllNeedLvl = False NeedLvlUseChaT = 0
  7. Hi there... i´ve got a problem with the chat.. but i do not know since when... i saw a config.properties called PvPchatSystem. where it comes this... on the lasts lines i put 0 anf false with the leve required but same... isnt working... # --------------------------------------- # Section: Chat PvP System by Points # --------------------------------------- # Same as above, PvP's you need to use Chat Channels. # Example: PvpsToUseChatShout = 500, when a character's PvP counter reaches 500, their will Use ChatShout # Pvps to use Chat Shout # Default = False , 0 ChatShoutNeedPvps = False PvpsToUseChatShout = 0 # # Pvps to use chat Trade # Default = False , 0 ChatTradeNeedPvps = False PvpsToUseChatTrade = 0 # # Pvp necessary to use the chat ALL. # 0 Desactived. ChatAllNeedPvps = False NeedPvpUseChaT = 0 # level necessary to use the chat ALL. # 0 Desactived. ChatAllNeedLvl = False NeedLvlUseChaT = 1
  8. what files do you need exactly?? sorry im a totally newbie in this world...
  9. done, i have sent you the links, the web its with a free hosting... its my first web... and its my first server.... and thanks for your interest and cooperation!
  10. Hola a todos! Mas que para jugar y tomarse en serio el SERVIDOR preferiria que la gente loguease y lo pruebe y que me den su opinion es mi primer server, y llevo mucho tiempo editadolo etc. MultiSkills H5 Rates x40x40x20 Drop/spoil x1 Quest teleport!! Quest legendary Tales + Reward TOP weapon pvp! Commuity AIO ( Rank Pvp Sytem in process ) Report Bug NPC --- working! Info pk/pvp --- working! Npc Enchante safe + 16 --- working! NPC Enchant safe from 16 to 35 --- working! Items con skills para max stats!! (Noblesse tiara + skills , Dawn´s bracelet + skills , Jet Bike , Lion and horse with skills!) PRUEBALO Y DAME TU OPINION GRACIAS!! https://l2maelstromsv.wixsite.com/home
  11. L2 Maelstrom Multi Skills ***Beta: Comming Soon 15/07/2017*** New Kind of server! ​A lot of quest with Reward ( Items + Skills ). Quest GK. (to make it done fast) All in Comunity Board ( All you need ) Low Rate server (But fast leveling System ) ​Rates! ​Exp/10 SP/10 Adena/10 And Much More.... Web : https://l2maelstromsv.wixsite.com/home ​ You will finde the downloads links by mega, some more info, and votes if you stay to make the server grow up! Its just a game! see you there! Download by Mega System L2Mael Animations Systextures
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