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Everything posted by GoDofAdeN

  1. with a 100mbit connection (at least) you should download it in less than a minute). btw, Never seen a 1,7gb firewall (please let me know). also, the datacenter should have the router (not you). (you just own a LAN switch :P also 2, the datacenter should apply the DDoS protection to their own router, (not into a single pc). gl !
  2. waow, If a 10 y.o. wannabe hacker can do that, can you Immage what can do a team of wannabe hackers ? well, too bad to see those things, also i seen around someone leached your Svn files :s i seen em on ragezone and elitepvp*ers :(
  3. I tought is Usefull => PHP Server Status for all datapack! Created by Darkmentor. Have Fun.
  4. Im still waiting for feedbacks (about what to add, also the thing shouldnt be a warez thing).
  5. can you explain better ? maybe with some immages or a video ? (if you want to do a video, will be nice for all i think - use camtasia) :D
  6. All the links has been UPDATED (who was linking to my download site should change the links ;) ) Im Uploading (AGAIN) the AION client in 10 Parts (1GB each). the pass of the AION client is : ekoice THANK YOU !
  7. as the title says I like to know how to make a complete refactor with eclipse (like from net.sf.2j to like com.l2jxxxx) by complete i mean to include the imports of each file into that directory so files wont look like : But like : THANK YOU!
  8. • AMD Athlon Dual Core 2.6GHz@2.6GHz / 5200+ 64bit • 250 GB Seagate SATA2 • 8GB RAM [Double Dual Channel] • 50Mbps real network connection [bulgarian Peering] • 30Mbps real network connection [internationl Peering] • 1Gbps LAN • Unix System Sorry, it cant be an L2OFF server, the hardware is so poor for both of the servers, also is a Unix OS (l2off servers need a win2k3 64bit to run perfectly).
  9. Well, here we go, I used it on L2UW, so here you are : Img1 : Img2 : Download Link : http://rapidshare.com/files/299322373/EkoIce_acc_manager.rar pass : ekoice (Download as free user thanks ;)) Hided for 100 posts, none change it thank you. DEMO: http://www.l2-underworld.com/--manager/
  10. <!-- Mirrored from www.l2-existence.com/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2008], Mon, 26 Oct 2009 12:01:05 GMT --> thank you.
  11. 12 Gracia final clients without Lagz ! (OS : winXP 64bit, 8GB ram, 1TB HDD, ATI HD 4560 (1gb dedicated)). ;D
  12. In your last 3 replies, you used the word "IDIOT" too much times sir. Flaming isnt allowed between Forum members, If you want to Flame/Insult do it privately by pm's or in msn, not here. This is considerated SPAM, so will be Reported. Kind regards.
  13. http://www.ultimate-network.info/ Here you are sir. a feedback is always welcome. :)
  14. Tutorial_1 is Updated :) and again alive ! Put here if you have any request :P
  15. Today the Ultimate-Network Website Has been Updated. Please Post your FeedBacks. :) www.ultimate-network.info
  16. how to make the messages longer ? like 2 or 3 seconds ? thanks
  17. clearly your connection sux dude, cant even immage to download from my site with 10kb/s. its impossible. with a 100mbit connection and unlimited traffic. Try to Use different DNS servers (like opendns), and you will see. Soon I'll post my proofs. 1st proof, from my laptop (im at my uncle home right now with laptop, 9mbps max connection speed, as you can see, I can use it all downloading something from my site.) Proof n*2 From my server machine (also with a true 100mbit connection) Proof n*3 From my desktop Pc (other town, connected with TeamViewer) Next time consider to dont say bullshits, thank you.
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