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Everything posted by GoDofAdeN

  1. Are you Blinded ? Search a Bit !!! In Ragezone for Example ? MAYBE !!!! Here the link of the ONEO topic in Ragezone => http://forum.ragezone.com/f323/share-oneo-dev-team-interlude-rev-275650/ Have FUN !
  2. Read this Dude : Meaning of bandwidth in web hosting In website hosting, the term "bandwidth" is often used metaphorically, to describe the amount of data that can be transferred to or from the website or server, measured in bytes transferred over a prescribed period of time. This can be more accurately described as "Monthly Data Transfer." Web hosting companies often quote a monthly bandwidth limit for a website, for example 500 gigabytes per month. If visitors to the website download a total greater than 500 gigabytes in one month, the bandwidth limit will have been exceeded. From : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandwidth
  3. a Gbit or 100mbit Port Is the Same For me..Cuz NO networks Can Offer You a Brust to 1 Gbit !! The Max Is 100 Mbit..So Is the Same. And..I have Posted My Own Old Dedicated Server Specs...Not My Home Computer Specs...LOL. I NEVER runned a Server from my Personal pc !! Simply because My connection SUX. and in 3 days I will Have : - Intel Xeon 3210 (Quad Core) - 8GB DDR2 RAM - 2x 74GB Harddisk 16MB SATA-II Raptor 10k rpm - Windows 2003 Enterprice... Cya...
  4. Thnx to MAXTOR for Hiding the fakoykas Post. Dear fakoykas, Next time Be carefully.
  5. Calm Down Dudes...We are here do have Some FUN...Not to Judge each other... All Are free to leave this Topic if you don't like it ;D Thnx ;D
  6. ok ppl, Cut the offtopic replies Now. In 10 posts only 1 or 2 are IN-topic. anyway, Is the server C4 ? like the old one ?
  7. Yo Killer...No offence...But as you are a skilled Developer...can you please post a FULL guide about that I tryed to explain ? Cuz If that ISN'T good..you must know a Good one...no ? thank you.
  8. You must Download the VIDEO in the First post...then In the Video you can see the Server Web Adress ;D Simple.
  9. Usefull But In Russian :( Damn..I want to Test It xD
  10. About that : I have nod32 Too...And In XP NOD32 Cancel directly that inside.dll ! I have tryed to disable NOD32 and when i exctract that dll again..it desapear... then I Created a Partition of my HDD and istalled Vista Ultimate...and WORKS !! WTF ? In vista WORKS and in XP no ? ? ? ? ? ? LOlOlOlOlOL !! Some Suggestions About that problem In XP?
  11. I can't help Sorry... You must Farm Post count (following the rules Of course) I will not share it out of This Topic...Sorry. p.s. Little News : My EkoIce Account => Banned ;D Take Care ppl ;D :P
  12. Well pplz, Here is my personal Hlapex with my Personal packets. of course a lot ppl Have them But ONLY I CAN say that those packets are By Me from the Hlapex Beggining. Lets ROCK now => here the link => http://rapidshare.com/files/68088181/HlaPeX_By_GoA.rar CYA SOON IN GAME. (nick => EkoIce or GoDofAdeN)
  13. lol..I had more than 2kk CP XD Just take the zariche Buff + AKA buff...and you will See XD p.s. Who want my FAMOUS Hlapex...Just ask me In PM ( packets included ) XD
  14. in that server works ONLY skills !! NO GMSHOP ITEMS !! AND STOP to SPAM this topic...Or I will DELETE THE LINK ASAP !!
  15. You are gonna OFF topic Seriously... Try to be IN-topic... If you want a signature like that i have visit : http://www.l33tsig.net/what/ And follow the Istructions ;D And..I will NOT send to NOBODY the TEXT of this post By PM cuz I Love MxC and We need More platinum/Donator Members ;D So Sorry, But Stop PM me about that.
  16. I mean: those words are for them who can't see the post. (for post count...) understand ? who can see this post...can Post a reply freely...But Not only : nice share, let's try...etc. I want to see a nice / Complete reply...Like : gg GoDofAdeN, finally you are back with some nice shares for MxC again !! thank you...downloading ...I will report later if work or not... shitty replies like that ;D p.s. I can't remove other ppl's replies...Im a simple user now ;D (with donaTOR status to unhide posts) :P
  17. you haven't a static IP ? Home made Server ? or Server Hosted in a datacenter ?
  18. DON'T SPAM THIS POST (with Shitty things like : ohh...Nice share, ohh...I can't see it...etc..) OR YOU WILL BE REPORTED ASAP !!!
  19. yeah...maybe..But most of ppl Here Doesn't Know Ragezone ;D I share What i think is Usefull.. lol ;D and...I starting to test Some server where I heard some Hlapex features Works...(like GM skills XD) Cya Soon ;D
  20. Server Type Specs (this is a Base Server machine, your must be Better or similar) I posted Here My Old Server Specs (Waiting for a Intel Q6600 QuadCore - 6 Gbyte RAM - 2x 150gbyte Raptor 10k RPM HDD) Windows 2003 Server Enterprice 64 Bit (With Enterprice your Server can Suit to max 8GB RAM Normally) Dual Xeon 2.4 Ghz 2048 MB DDR ram 2x 150GB Harddisk 16MB SATA-II Raptor 10000rpm Network Speed Speekeasy Results Down = 18mbps UP = 1.2mbps startgameserver.bat Upadate as of 10/23 0400AM and many crashes, finally found a setting that did not crash once. java -server -Xmx1280m -cp Threadpools ThreadPoolSizeEffects = 20 ThreadPoolSizeGeneral = 26 #Default 2 UrgentPacketThreadCoreSize = 4 #Default 4 GeneralPacketThreadCoreSize = 8 #Default 4 GeneralThreadCoreSize = 8 AiMaxThread = 12 Gameserver Config Options MaximumDbConnections=300 CoordSynchronize = -1 FloodProtectorInitialSize = 300 MinNPCAnimation = 30 MaxNPCAnimation = 60 MinMonsterAnimation = 30 MaxMonsterAnimation = 60 MySQL Config Version = 5.0.45 32 bit Developer Machine = Server Machine = * Dedicated = Multifunctional = * Transactional = Non-Transactional = Decision Support = Online Transaction = * Manual = Strict mode NOT Enabled Manual MySQL Tweaks - MySQL Administrator My Tweaks - Thread Concurrency = 4 (2*CPU) I have dual Core. - Query Cache size = 0 - Thread Cache size = 38 - Read Buffer size = 1M - Read rnd Buffer size = 1M Java jdk 6 u3 NIC Settings Checksum Offload = Disabled Flow Control = Disabled Jumbo Frame = 1500 Optimzed For = Throughput Segmentation Offload = Disabled Speed/Duplex = Full Autonegotiation ======================================= NIC Tweaks TCP Optimizer Download => http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php Registry Tweaks Download => http://www.pctools.com/guides/registry/detail/56/ ======================================= Guide Posted By Bannished. Thank you. p.s. Im Sharing here that guide I found in the WEB...Im NOT responsable if this Guide will destroy or damage your computer (if it will ).
  21. I Don't see the Point of that Spam. You Write Everything you see ? bahhh... And Thnx Maxtor for the Second Chance. thank you too Chris18...And Don't call me EkoIce... ;D My New Nick Is GoDofAdeN ;D finally Im Back...For Sure I will Start a NEW carrier..With Some NEW usefull Shares..Stay TUNNED.
  22. Read Better.... I Wont Get Off topic, But please Wear your glasses.
  23. updated Version with a LOT skins => http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12517.new#new
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