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  1. i want to get out of this game and not give it for free less price you can contact me, im going first on exchange with trusted users or on a middlman (just payment is paysafe accepted on greece) i want to get
  2. Hi i want to sell my euw acc gold 1 124 lvl many champs few skins project katarina , riot tristana , unchained alistar , blood moon shen , triumphant ryze , super galazy fizz , start guardian ezreal) and 7 skin shards on loot to activate (bewitching tristana , championship shyvana, fnatic j4, pool party fiora, santa gragas, silverfang akali) the price is around 20 euro on paysafe (greece) if your country supports that method. im going first on the exchange on a trusted user, or on a midlman
  3. EDIT: WTS second account EUW lvl 30 24 champions 3 skins ( hyena ww - victorious graves , plus spooky GP that is perma unlocked but doesnt show in skins cause i dont own the champion) 1 gemstone, 23.000 blue essence Plus i can gift you any skin you would like even new ones at any cost, or 3 lower skins or whatever skin youd like https://imgur.com/a/Hy9gx account was inactive for at least 3 months plus.
  4. as the title says wts euw account lvl 55 with 36 champions (cause its lvl 55 it has tons of champions shards untouched to activate or disenchant) 1 refund remaining with 17636 blue essence , 0 skins but 1905 orange essence and skin shards to activate ( star guardian ezreal one champion shard) and 2330 RP EDIT : championship shyvana - santa gragas - bewitching nidalee - bewitching tristana skins shards to activate https://imgur.com/a/RHju8 P.S. finished season in Gold 4 , now its Plat 4 - 3 EDIT the acc is now lvl 70 with 40 champs plus more shards
  5. i dont know why i cant use pm for some reason add me and send mail dab3ast12lol@gmail.com
  6. dont waste your time even considering to join. not worth playing even for 1 min.
  7. [gr] [out of topic] gt ka8ese kai synomilas akoma me enan albano kefte pou kani ta panta gia to xrhma to fthno ?? 1 euro na tou dosei o metanasths apo thn syria 8a tou sty8i sta 4 eukola kiolas kai 8a to apolausi aneta gt etsi tou aresei .
  8. dude i was saying all these things 1 week before teh server open but nobody saw it coming just me and maybe 1-2 more, the admin is an albanian kid who has no money to even get bread to eat and he even licks the floor for some euros its a fact. he is a sad albanian omofilofilos keftes. what i dont understand is the community these days, its 2017 not 2006 and people should pay attention and give them in return what they deserve, i knew about server i said it 1-2 times dont bother joining dont give this retard even interest on his trash server, but people reward these albanian g@y retards who dont even got any money to buy water into joining their server and much more (besides the corruption) some ppl argentino latino germa polak whoever the fck it is some small circle donated to this albani . yes this albani is a wasted g@y mofo, but fck this community these days .
  9. this server is homeade one, super duper trash number 2., no people online 3, and like always admin of the server is Kataramenos and his clan edited friends Hardwell etc (edited in a server that opened with 20-25 max ppl GGF ) dead trash move on.
  10. i would love an answer from the albanian admin
  11. albanian kid i dont get down to creating lineage server in 2017 i have more usefull things to do apparently unlike you, i just join and play for a short amount whenever i have free time and my opnion about your server was 100% true cause its trash like most servers are. and btw how are you going by ?? cause you open a lineage server just to get donas to have some bread to eat poor kidd0, you know what i hope at least you got some money to get by and eat. got to feel sorry for every pathetic scrub like you who opens a server for a bit of money . cheers.
  12. i had my mind about this trash server before it even started, like all servers nowadays im sure there are hidden friends of him with edit (i dont play this server or ever did for 1 sec). or you never know maybe there arent (maybe 2017 kappa) but when i see the conversation between this retardito argentinito nasiferus and the admin the argentinititototo begging for full items or he will spam and say bad words in 2017 beg and then make this threat man its just so shamefull and retarded at the same time, i mean if you are on the point of getting down on your knees to almost sucking his penis for full free items what in the freaking virgin mother mary are you willing to do IN THE FREAKING REAL LIFE when an oppurtunity appers ??? i cant even imagine retarditititoto argentitnio nasiferus you must be real disgusting person. jesus someone throw this doggy a bone.
  13. wtf do you think happens to all trash servers ??
  14. i dont want to be roud but seems agan that you are c0cky for some reason and ill say that you have something in your head taht you need to see a dcotor for it cause you are making me cancer and pretty sure every brain ppl taht reads. i have found a lot about your server but i wont post anything cause one thing is i hate c0cky mofos like you no offence but from the start of your posts all i see is c0ckyy admin c0cky admin reply c0cky admin reply again and again and again its causing brain cancer . you said at beat you didnt see multiple classes reach those points, well ill answer since its BETA ppl try out short of classes and things that they wont do at the actual server, at beat in oly it had a variaty of classes for obvious test reasons and thats why every single class got points which wont happen like 9000% in the actual server all you need to do is have a little bit of brain. ill move to the most imprtant matter 3 ppl including me have replied about unbalance in your server getting items, no getting semi to full items wont happen in 2 days or 4 but it will probably happen also for solo players in letss say a week, now again in your replies occuring the unbalance to those semi to full geared chars i saw c0cky and most important NO DENY you never DENIED that matter which for me is everything all you did was say that the farm will be hard i got big penis admin chill boiz go farm go bot no full geared mofos in 2 days and etc never never DENIED the part of the unbalance and FAIL BUG skills and etc on semi to full geared. its obivous dont worry you will find out soon, cause c0cky mofos like you simply dont care and freom your replies you just dont care all you care about is flame back the guy who tried to say bad words about your server or try to make him look bad which for an admin is pathetic to my eyes.
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