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About darklord

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    L2Ownage's - [HGM]DarkLord

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. [HGM]DarkLord to opio xrisimopoio edw kai xronia opws kai twra ;D
  2. ^^ http://l2addicts.com/ kai stis 25 tou augoustou Anigoume pali Ownage ^^
  3. Ti apo ta dio dn pisteueis oti o server sou einai teleios i oti einai ksaderfos tou XxRxX? :P
  4. Well you said i hear request from everyone so you can made them signatures but u dont use your skills just other ppls work and you just put a name of the requested player..the epic failure is that in kamaels sign u had left the name chaos theory..to much careless..
  5. Iposimiosh:To gg killer einai gia ola ta chronicles apo c6/gracia part II Cronicles re aderfe eleos dld dn yparxh C6 pff ta cronicles teliosan sto C5 apo ekei k pera einai Interlude k outo ka8e eksis i synexeia dn exei kamia sxesh me cronicles.
  6. Dont compare us with l2refused that server sucks for me i no lot ppl that are not happy with that server.but anyway this shift+click its new hack we are doing the best we can do to find what is it and fix the thing that alows it to work.
  7. episis k 5 euro pou les na tou edines admin einai dn einai xazos mporei na vrei aneta pou se pion pexti edoses ta items k ta pernei k pisw k sou rixni k ena aplo bannaki etsi na drosistis xD
  8. xD nice try u wont login with this thing keep on trying u wont do nothing i guarantee it ^^
  9. server its fine.we are making something new we have more skills and 95% working perfect than any other server so try it and the make dicisions ^^ i have seen servers that are part ][ and they dont have mirage or exiting adventure and lot of skill.we are making everyday the best for the community and the server. we are the only server without donations we pay server from our pocket ^^
  10. exetai di pou8ena alou server pou o admin evgene me ena dagger k ripare ton miso server...ok asto auto to corruption pou to pate pou ti ton 8eloun ton admin oli einai toubano ekei epidi einai fili tou eleos gia server Pigasos sucks @.@
  11. ^^ hello... join http://www.L2Ownage.com
  12. well its true that this exist on ownage but we are trying to do the best to fix it and cause u asked GrisoM ownage is Gracia Part ][ ^^
  13. u made great work snoop i wish u good luck with your server cya on msn ^^
  14. virus einai
  15. ios einai re :S
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