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Everything posted by MichalKa

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=75474.0 Already posted.
  2. As the title says. I don't really care about client. Rates: x100+
  3. It's up!
  4. Title says: [interlude L2j] L2FreeStyle New SERVER o.O
  5. Will cross-race subclasses be allowed? And when the website is going to be ready?
  6. Nice one! Thanks for sharing it here :)
  7. He used aimbot for sure... Lol it's impossible to shoot like this xD I think my dog can do it better!
  8. You just answered the question you asked :)
  9. If you know how to play: Paladin > all imo.
  10. Hmm I'm currently off from L2, but this server looks promising and I will take a look on it :)
  11. Yeah InC is now highly populated server... I think it will be next one :(
  12. God damn it... Before L2Ownage, now this one... :'( What server will be next?!
  13. If it's possible I'm using some mortal blow weapon... If not Angel Slayer CD :)
  14. Not bad ;) But I don't like the pictures, they are unasthetic... Well for me these tips were useless but can help some newbies.
  15. Hahah nice joke xD Are you talking about "normal" or normal servers?
  16. Compare http://l2deathwhisper.com/ with http://l2nocomingback.ucoz.com/ ... You just added/changed some words and removed some moves to the new line... //EDIT Waiting for ya answer :)
  17. Woah... Sorry then. He added "And +1Sub Stuck!!" and changed deathwhisper to nocomingback :S That's cheap...
  18. C4 > Interlude > all I didn't play C3 or lower so s00r if they were better :P
  19. O rly? Your server have stack subs? ucoz ftw!!
  20. Masteries are stacking...?
  21. If you use SOE:CH while having no clan, it will work like a normal SOE. Doesn't work!
  22. I'd like to know good server like this :) Also no L2 Core please...
  23. -1 Karma :) Well... In theory I hate this server. Donators, it's old, many retarded people. But when I joined it for the 1st time I can't stop playing now :>
  24. Looks fantasting! Thanks for share ;)
  25. I tried it on L2mafia and I'm always getting +0 weapons...
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