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About x2kep

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  1. If its matter, the server is Gracia Part 2, not sure if its l2j or sumthing else
  2. Hey all! ;D I got a liltle prob and hope that you could help me. So the problem is that when I'm getting into the game and press "end", walker takes a target but doesn't hit it. What could be a problem. Hosts file fixed.
  3. going to check L2 Packet Hack 3.18 on interlude...
  4. Многое из перечисленого работает... только на хрониках С4 и ниже... к большому сожалению!
  5. Не работает на Л2Тритан, они какуето херню с L2.exe замутили.. хуй его поймёш чё за система у них...
  6. can anyone please try to make anybot for l2destiny.de? both ways not working for me
  7. 12:22:48 ->Link VerifyServer Fail. ... just a few days ago it was working well, set.ini [DEFAULT] CountryList=l2forever DefaultCountry=0 DefaultServer=1 DefaultCharacter=7 DefaultAccount=hereiam DefaultPassWord= [L2Forever] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=5550 ProtocolVersion=656 ServerList=L2Forever; L2Forever2 options.ini [Options] Title=L2Walker 10.6.6 Server=STANDART Token=6C5A10259D4FCCFF49484D5C354D97DCE86EBBB1 OffSet=$0053C390 GMFix=1 Does anybody have fine working l2walker? not matter OOG or IG
  8. thanks for help... very usefuly information for me
  9. Guys could anybody share any working walker? No one of walkers in this topic doesnt work for me... or work incorrectly... thanks..
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