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Everything posted by =Legend=

  1. this is the .rar Im using to make all mobs drop mantras its in the faenor folder and im using gracia final <Event ID="Medals Event" Active="24 Dec 2006-26 Dec 2010"> <Droplist> <AllDrop Items="5574" Count="1,5" Chance="100%" /> </Droplist> <Droplist> <AllDrop Items="5570" Count="1,5" Chance="100%" /> </Droplist> <Droplist> <AllDrop Items="5572" Count="1,5" Chance="100%" /> </Droplist> <Droplist> <AllDrop Items="3478" Count="2,6" Chance="75%" /> </Droplist> <Message Type="OnJoin" Msg="You can collect Event Medals, Blood Coin, Fire, Wind, Water Mantra's from all mobs and trade them in Mystery Shop" /> <EventEnd> <Take From="AllPlayers"> <Item ItemID="6392-6393"></Item> </Take> </EventEnd> </Event> this was downloaded from here,(after searching) can someone tell me why it does not work? do i have to enable something else in the config files? pls your answer will be apreciated
  2. Like i said very good only thing is the new skills not working,could you update to the latest rev,or maybe you could share your customs/armor/npc/tatoos would be nice
  3. I would like all mobs to drop the same item,instead of adding it one by one is or from the db is there an easier way to do it? i have read that if you put a file in the feanor folder it should do the job,is that corect? if so can someone tell/give me a file plz.
  4. change the name in your forum its from L2 rapid
  5. someone can help me with this? <skill id="928" levels="1" name="Duel Blow"> <set name="target" val="TARGET_NONE" /> <set name="skillType" val="NOTDONE" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE" /> </skill> does this mean that the skill is not working? if so how/what do i change to make it work This is an active skill
  6. Nice work with skills ,but some are missing still. one i found is Duel Blow
  7. this is your topic http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=54775.0 how did you get over it?and is there a prog l2dat endec?if so plz givgfe me a kink
  8. you have been very helpfull, with me,your guide is good,but i need a guide with file edit how you import txt file,save them to dat without getting an error
  9. Legolas I know you also had the same problem (I read your help topic) when making dat files,can you make a guide telling the rest of us how you make them?
  10. nice legolas now with the ready dat files will help a lot of ppl //Off topic what prog you use to edit /change dat files?
  11. so with this prog how can we change/add dat files? because when you import your edited txt file you get error Unhandled exception Technical error description: ________________________________________________ Input string was not in a correct format. ________________________________________________ System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseUInt32(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt) at System.Convert.ToUInt32(String value) at PathEditor.MainForm.ImpBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  12. Legollas if you can plz make for me the dat files (for your Disaster Weapons) and send them to me ,because i have tried everything I can not save the dat files.anyway if you can make those dat files I'ii appreciate it.
  13. i have folowed your guide to the letter,exec. the sql file ...succesful i have c/p utx file ..ok i have problem with itemname-e,weapongrp I can not save it as .dat i get an error that file can not be found,i have tried diff things without success,(im using gracia final) plz try (if possible)to be more precise with your guide,You and most of the members here know what to do We the newbies dont.No offence , its not just you but most of members who make guides,should be more specific,that is the reason there are a lot of ppl asking for help about the same problem,in the help section,without the problem being solved
  14. im using your other share with the disaster weapons i executed the sql file i have put the txt files in system and systextures and when i try to create iten i get a bracelet instead of weapon
  15. I just put the text files in system and should work or change it to dat.file?
  16. your system folder is wrong,open it with file edit and you will see.( l2.exe is trying to red files not from 'system' but from infogamel2) ,allways get a critical. If you have no customs just give your ip only
  17. If you have both ,thats great .If you could sent them to me or list them here, I would apreciate it Edit// after a long search I found them //topic locked
  18. any knows the ids?or where i can get them?
  19. open navicat----> l2jdb----->skill_trees go to the end and add this to an empty collum class id skill id lvl name sp lvl 7 821 1 Shadow Step 500000 72 close rr server and it works I just tried it
  20. thanks to you i am successfull,but tell me something plz How do I update my old files with this without any loss of characters/accs/and everything else?
  21. very nice guide.I have a problem if you can help. I am using a pack from l2jserver i am at the part 5 Part 5)Ok so now we go again to cmd (check part 1 if you don't remember how) Open it and type Code: cd C:\L2jfree\l2jfree-core (see the pic) and press enter then write C:\maven\bin\mvn clean:clean what do i do here,im stuck can you help me plz?i use this C:\maven\bin\mvn but i get build error
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