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About johnniewalker

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  1. yeah nothing response in verify and i think the problem is something with walker crack or the tcptunnel .. don't know what to do!
  2. hey at first i got the right verify info.... but after 2 days i don't get any verify info it's blank.... why?! what to do? thnx
  3. xerei kaneis an douleuei ston l2evo. ? opos episis kai kana hlapex h kati paromio an uparxei :P
  4. re file xilia euxaristo .. kai molis xekinisa enan server pou molis anoixe kai leei gia kamia bdomada 8a epitrepei to walker na aneboume emeis pou xekinisame prota ton server kai meta 8a to apagorepsei.. tora kata poso axizei o server den exo idea :P pantos meta apo mia bdomada sas leo name kai site .. tora 8elo na anebw ego gt bare8ika na eimai se olous tous low kato apo ta 40
  5. The best SERVER EVER !!!! GO ON GUYS
  6. Γεια σας θα ειθελα να μαθω πως γινετε να κανω bot στον elixir.. Exω ακουσει οτι γινετε με τα macro αλλα δεν εχω καταλαβει ακριβως.. Μηπως μπορει καποιος να με help ??
  7. it was perfect!!!!!! :P :D ;) :)
  8. i can't see it...i will try to help some ppl for more post...it must be usefull!
  9. i use fileedit but gets me errors too....:(:(:( plz help me!!!
  10. Hi! i want to make these files into .dat but when i do it with l2endec it gets me errors... can anyone make for me these files to .dat or tell me what i do wrong and get errors here is the link...http://rapidshare.com/files/97437631/itemname_e_armorgrp_weapongrp.rar.html plz help me!!! thank you!!!
  11. Hi! i want to make this file into .dat but when i do it with l2endec it gets me errors... can anyone make for me this files to .dat or tell me what i do wrong and get errors here is the link...http://rapidshare.com/files/97437631/itemname_e_armorgrp_weapongrp.rar.html plz help me!!! thank you!!! DELETE THIS TOPIC PLZ
  12. Geia sas 8a i8ela ligo help me to l2walker gia kamael exw prospa8isei polla alla tpt borei kapoios na mou ta dosei ola oti xreiazete gia na douleuei...(p.x host etc tetoia)..euxaristw ::) DE SPAMARW APLA OSI EXOUN GRAPSEI GIA TO WALKER KAI BOTS GIA KAMAEL EINAI *** KAI DE ME BOITHISAN KAI DEN IXERA POU NA TO POSTARW!!!!!!!!
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