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Everything posted by abf21

  1. Hi, I play in a server were i can only open 2 clients. How can I bypass this? pleas heelp im a noob haxor. thanks :)
  2. Hi i am interested in this pelase contact me
  3. I can just open 4 boxes how can i open 5+? THANKS BROHTAAAASS
  4. lineage.ro lionna x7. pm me, i dont wanna play by myself either...im also hoping to form a CP
  5. as title says. buy items at tarantula. pm me on forums
  6. Hi, I would like to form an organized CP to play on a L2 server, i prefer Interlude chronicle but its optional, rates i dont care either it can be from low to mid rate. To all of you who play solo and want a good constant party to farm/pvp/raid, contact me on the forum or write in this topic. My GMT is -4 but that doesnt matter since ill be available the majority of hours a day. I speak english and spanish. We would be using Radicall or Teamspeak. I have experience in l2 for over 7 years, im 22 years old college graduate... any other info feel free to ask. If we grow to a certain point, a clan will be formed. serious, organized l2 The server in which we will play can still be discussed. This is an option. you can contact me via email or skype: abrahambenzaquen
  7. Hi, I need the file so i can see the drop/spoil on mobs. Thank you
  8. I need a bot for any of these two server. Any pro or someone with knowledge and experience please let me know how can I do it. Thank you.
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  10. Hi, im looking for a server x10-x30 low rate style. Crafting A grades and shit, dont care about the chronicle
  11. Hi im looking for a server to play L2 again. Recommend me some please, i dont care about the rates just give me a list and ill choose later
  12. I want to play again L2 in which server do you recommend me to start? I dont care about the rates, just bring in a list of servers and ill choose afterwards. thankyou
  13. Hi, as i am new playing in low rates Gracia server i was wondering if someone knows about new quests that are usefull since lvl 1, thank you
  14. i guess this does not work for GF dex server right?
  15. If you were to start on a low rate server by yourself,retail like features, which class would you choose and why? Gracia Final. I am also looking for ppl to start fresh on a server and to work in group since lvl1 and maybe to start an important clan...
  16. bro...with more STR the damage done with the blows is higher, try it yourself. I´m against messing with CON/STR/DEX on fighters though.
  17. STR is needed, the more STR the higher the amount of critical damage is done.
  18. I Need an in game walker for l2 sublimity Gracia Final. Please if someone have the files i would aprettiate alot if you share them with me, thank you.
  19. Dragon Network Shadow x10 Nightmare x30 L2Pandora Frintezza
  20. Any good mid rate server you know that its not 98% Brazilian? thanks.
  21. I dont understand. The steps i did were the following. 1.- Extract the l2walker 1.79 folder into the Lineage II folder. 2.- Changed the hosts file 3.- Open L2asrv 4.- Open Walker 5.- Put Username+pasword and log in to the game succesfully 6.- Press the HOME key to oppen in game walker window and nothing happens!!! A little help please...
  22. Hi, I dont know what happened, i was botting yesterday but today i open my l2walker in the server l2lion and the in game walker window (for programing the bot) does not open, neather there is anything written in the l2asrv program that has to be opened before botting. Any ideas of what could it be?, any solutions?, any guide with pictures and stuff?... I also found a L2walker serveremulator in the in-game walker folder, what have to do with that?. Thanks EDIT: I can´t even see the monsters hp/mp remaining when i open the game with walker...its like if i opened the game the normal way
  23. Wanna make some easy $??? Step1: Follow this link http://bux.to/?r=berashop After that, Register! REMEMBER TO ADD AS A REFFERAL "berashop" You can start making, 600$/Month ! IS SO SIMPLE! You just need to open adds, wait 30 seconds, and thats it! Every day, 10-15 adds per day, 30 seconds each! Any questions, ask here! Trust me, is sooooo EASY! I make about 2800$ each month by reffering others! "First come, first serve" PS: Please add me as a refferal! :)
  24. Dude, You are not giving us any proves?? how can i trust u lol!!
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