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Everything posted by synthe

  1. The buffs , chants etc are okay now. But the cat and horse buffs are 7h now, i want them to be standard. The normal buffs like windwalk are still 19min... how do i change them?
  2. What skills folder do you mean? I can't find it Edit: you mean gameserver\data\stats\skills ?
  3. Where do I change the buff time for dances, songs, buffs, chants etc? Some are 3 hours, some 2 minutes. I want all buffs to be 3hours except cat buffs etc. I use l2jfrozen
  4. Does somebody knows how to set enchant rates for normal & blessed scrolls? (like 50% - 60%) And the overall min and max / save enchant? I use L2jFrozen
  5. fixed, had to restart srvr
  6. it drops me 194kk now
  7. Hi, I'm wondering what rates are best for a 300x server. When I kill some mobs they don't seem to drop enough adena. I'm also making some custom zones, but can't seem to assign the right drop value.... I want the mobs in custom farming zone to drop between 3 - 5 kk. Drop config: id = 21393 item id =57 min = 3115 max = 635910 category = 0 chance = 700000 This values make the mob drop 125kk which is way to much. My config file for the rates: #================================# # Server Rates # #================================# #Pack: l2jfrozen Site: www.l2jfrozen.com # ------------------------ # Normal Rates - # ------------------------ RateXp = 300.00 RateSp = 300.00 RatePartyXp = 2.00 RatePartySp = 1.00 RateDropAdena = 300.00 RateConsumableCost = 1.00 RateDropItems = 1.00 RateDropSealStones = 1.00 RateDropSpoil = 1.00 RateDropManor = 1 # ---------------------- # Other Rates - # ---------------------- RateDropQuest = 15.00 RateQuestsReward = 1.00 RateKarmaExpLost = 1.00 RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 1.00 # -------------------------------- # Player Drop Rates - # -------------------------------- PlayerDropLimit = 0 PlayerRateDrop = 0 PlayerRateDropItem = 0 PlayerRateDropEquip = 0 PlayerRateDropEquipWeapon = 0 # -------------------------------- # Karma Rates - # -------------------------------- KarmaDropLimit = 10 KarmaRateDrop = 40 KarmaRateDropItem = 50 KarmaRateDropEquip = 40 KarmaRateDropEquipWeapon = 10 # -------------------- # Pets Rates - # -------------------- PetXpRate = 100.00 SinEaterXpRate = 1.00 PetFoodRate = 1 # ---------------------- # Herbs Rates - # ---------------------- # Herb of Power, Herb of Magic, Herb of Atk. Spd., Herb of Casting Spd., Herb of Critical Attack, Herb of Speed RateCommonHerbs = 15.00 # Herb of Life, Herb of Mana RateHpMpHerbs = 10.00 # Greater herb of Life, Greater Herb of Mana RateGreaterHerbs = 4.00 # Superior Herb of Life, Superior Herb of Mana RateSuperiorHerbs = 0.8 # Herb of Warrior, Herb of Mystic, Herb of Recovery RateSpecialHerbs = 0.2 # ------------------------ # Bosses Rates - # ------------------------ # Grand Boss AdenaBoss = 1.00 ItemsBoss = 1.00 SpoilBoss = 1.00 # Raid Boss AdenaRaid = 1.00 ItemsRaid = 1.00 SpoilRaid = 1.00 # Raid Minions AdenaMinon = 1.00 ItemsMinon = 1.00 SpoilMinon = 1.00
  8. Yes, i have it on true.... #============================================================# # Event Manager # #============================================================# # Enable auto events and start time. # TvT auto start # Example TVTStartTime=20:00;21:00;22:00; TVTEventEnabled = True TVTStartTime = 20:00;21:00; But nothing happens....
  9. Well it isn't working this is the code #====================================# # Team vs Team # #====================================# # TvT(Team vs Team) Event: Blue vs Red. # Setting for Team vs. Team pvp # TvTEvenTeams=NO|BALANCE|SHUFFLE # NO means: not even teams. # BALANCE means: Players can only join team with lowest player count. # SHUFFLE means: Players can only participate to tzhe event and not direct to a team. Teams will be schuffeled in teleporting teams. TvTEvenTeams = SHUFFLE # players there not participated in tvt can target tvt participants? TvTAllowInterference = False # tvt participants can use potions? TvTAllowPotions = True # tvt participants can summon by item? TvTAllowSummon = True # remove all effects of tvt participants on event start? TvTOnStartRemoveAllEffects = True # unsummon pet of tvt participants on event start? TvTOnStartUnsummonPet = True # on revive participants regain full hp/mp/cp ? TvTReviveRecovery = True # announce all team statistics TvTAnnounceTeamStats = True # announce reward TvTAnnounceReward = True # give price with 0 kills TvTPriceNoKills = True # players with cursed weapon are allowed to join ? TvTJoinWithCursedWeapon = False # Enable voice command to register on tvt event TvTCommand = True # Delay on revive when dead, NOTE: 20000 equals to 20 seconds, minimum 1000 (1 second) TvTReviveDelay = 10000 # Open Western Fortress doors on tvt finish TvTOpenFortDoors = False # Close Western Fortress doors on tvt start TvTCloseFortDoors = False # Open Aden Colosseum doors on tvt finish TvTOpenAdenColosseumDoors = True # Close Aden Colosseum doors on tvt start TvTCloseAdenColosseumDoors = True # TvT Top Killer reward id TvTTopKillerRewardId = 5575 # TvT Top Killer reward quantity TvTTopKillerRewardQty = 5000000 # Place an aura on participants team ? TvTAura = False # Enable event stats logger TvTStatsLogger = True
  10. Hi, TvT does not work when i press Enable on TVT in admin panel. I use L2jfrozen. Nothing happens.... Built in tvt engine
  11. Ok fixed it ! ! !
  12. For l2jfrozen.
  13. I see this with altsettings.properties # ----------------------- # Class Master - # ----------------------- # Allow Change Class with ClassMaster AllowClassMasters = False Or is this the "normal" class master?
  14. Oh, that's something that i'll fix later .... it's like you can't divorce and then re-marry , that doesn't work. you can do it only once. Class changer, is really strange, because it does work but it just doesn't respawn after restart
  15. thanks mate, .engage command working now... a bit buggy but ok :P The class changer is harder. I mean, I can spawn him, but when I restart the server.... it doesn't respawn again....
  16. Hi Extrea, Where do I enable the .engage command? The class changer ID is 31228 , (default by l2jfrozen)
  17. Hi, I use l2jfrozen and the standard built in custom class changer of this pack. But when i spawn the class changer, and restart server, it suddenly dissapears. Second problem is, i added a wedding manager, but the .engage command is not working. Anybody knows how to fix this? Thanks
  18. I downloaded unreal editor 2, but can't seem to find a way to decrypt and encrypt the files. Also, what plugin for photoshop do i need?
  19. Yeah but it's more easy to decrypt the l2.ini than doing that. How do I secure the l2.ini file?
  20. Anybody knows how to hide server's ip in L2.ini file? Somebody told me to put it in a DLL file, but how?
  21. Hi, I've just set up an server and need some help, anyone is willing to take care of this server with me? Add me https://www.facebook.com/saken.gamer.7 It's online, and I can give you the system map :)
  22. Solved, using patched system folder
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