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Everything posted by te0x

  1. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    On Friday I'm gonna update it.
  2. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    I am gonna separate it in 3 parts to achieve my ideas.The first part wil be the ultimate PVP. Everything has to do with pure PVP, the npcs are not bad for the part one.
  3. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    Jajaja 3valaks necklace different rates, 90-150 pvps, 10crystals for armor 5 for weapon
  4. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    Upcomming phase 1 updates.
  5. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    If you see it from my point of view you will understand. It make sense.
  6. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    i know dude. It was a fast "move" that i did cause everybody was saying nice server but i am leaving cause the lack of ppl. so i decided to do the online x3 thats why i added the .online. I don't have to hide something :D
  7. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    In the next 2-3 days i will make an announcement with my decision. I need some time to think.
  8. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    I don't lie the ppl :D its just for the new to see more players and stay ^^
  9. 1)You need to change the npc name from the system also from the database. 2)db, spawnlist, find id and change the respawn_delay
  10. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    Resistance buffs are modified thats why are in the buffer. The resistance value has been decreased. You got the trade chat at level 75. The items from C to S grade have been modified. the SA's the pAtk,mAtk also. C grade got the stats like its a normal S grade and grade to grade its increased.
  11. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    I don't know dude. i am deactivated from hopzone & topzone. Everything is against me ajajaja. The server will stay online for some more days until i'll found out what to do.
  12. does minecraft got people? minecraft isn't that game with the pixel graphics?lol
  13. what does the advertisment got to do with that? The point is that people will join but as i said and before its on the how good is the server to stay or leave
  14. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    well Celestine gave you the answer. You have to exp on your grade. 70-74 C grade, 75-79 B grade, 80-83 A grade and 84-86 S grade. If you go at higher grades or lower grades exp zones you damage is divided by 1.5 to 3.
  15. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    i cannot understand how can you miss with 170+ accuracy at max level. in which mobs you miss?
  16. if you advertise your server by be on every topsite 1st place with ur banner will bring you players thats for sure. if the server its a failure the players will leave thats for sure. But the main thing is that people will try this server. accounts will be created.
  17. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    The economy is pretty nice right now. Our only problem right now is the lack of people.
  18. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    Srsly dat photo dude hahaha. Although you are not full and as i said i am working on advertisment to bring people and still waiting approvals topzone and hopzone. Btw i am gonna bring the servers on top
  19. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    Since i've heard a lot of problems with accuracy here you can check what your class can normally equipt without having any penalty.
  20. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    I am doing my best to bring players right now :D So bosses, events, sieges, olympiad takes place normally.
  21. te0x

    interlude [L2J] Seven

    There is no reason when your grade is S to go and farm in lower grades. There is specific farming for each grade. The sad true is that right now the server is boring because the lack of players. You can just farm nothing else. The good news are that an attractive vote system and shop are comming. So right now i am just working on how we're gonna take people. After this, balance and farming will be improved.
  22. That 2 things that you just said dude. You really helped me a lot. thank you
  23. i guess you are right. i can see it to myself this. Although my whole advertise maybe was in wrong way since i don't know much about that. thank you guyz for your answers i rly appreciate it.
  24. Until now the natural advertisment didn't worked for me. maybe its too early but as i see it doesn't work. Ye the reptutation its clearly to bring an ammount of players so these players will bring others :)
  25. i always do take care of my server. doing updates to create a nice gameplay. but still doesn't bring players and my budget is not that big to pay someone for the advertisment. As i see if you don't pay in 2016 you get nothing jaja :D
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