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Everything posted by Lineage2Era

  1. umad brah! ur quality is full of shi t, just full of addons to attract ppl which every noob with basic java knowledge can implement stuff! My pack has been worked for like 1+ month and my balance is above your league of your shi tty pack! i got 7 years in this game, you got errr? 1 when u started sell ur crappy pack? :D you dont even know to make proper html design ,the most easy thing
  2. umad brah! your server is something like, dagger hit 900 backstab ,archer 500 ,mage 3k ,duelist 700 triple ,its crappy as that now... i will restart a re-cap of my pack ,implement nexus engine GOLD ,and more features with configs and my pack wil be sold much better than your crappy pack ^^
  3. 40 clients ,just 3 launching freya servers IN THIS YEAR with 20 online max GG lie more ,you and your backdoored crap pack :D:D and shi tty balance When you will have my balance formulas ,talk after Q_Q !
  4. sold out! Pack still for selling!
  5. - Safe Enchant: +10 - Max enchant: +13 - Blessed Scroll: 100%, up to +10, 0% after (at +11 it will break) - Divine Scroll: 100%, up to +13 (Recommanded after +10) - Attribute: up to lvl 4, rate 100% - Auto Create Account - No Clan Penalty - No Sub-class Quest - Max Sub-class: 3 - Auto Learn Skills - Auto Loot - Spawn Protection: 15 seconds - Fame/Raid jewels at Merchant - Offline Shops - Unstuck - 15 sec - Buff Time: 3h - Mana potions available - Buffs: 28/15 including +4 debuff slots - Olympiad Enchant Limit: +6 - 1 Week Olympiad Period - Starting points: 18 - Castle Sieges: Every week - Territory Wars: Every week - Olympiad Period: Every week - Cancellation system, stoled buffs returns after 15 seconds - TvT every 1+ hour with big rewards (.tvtjoin in order to participate) - .Dressme system (changes clothes ,you can dress with any armor/weapon you want) - PvP & Farm Zones (PvP Coin drops only on PvP Zone or Solo Zone) - Solo Zone (250 pvp max) - Raid Zone (Tiat have 3 hours respawn and give big rewards) - PvP Reward (only on pvp zone and solo zone obviously) - PvP Class Balance (90% done ,150+ skills reworked) - Wedding System - Colored Region (GM/NOBLE/HERO/CLAN LEADER/CURSED/JAIL) - Custom Community Board - Gatekeeper - Buffer - Mercenary - Clan Reputation Manager - PvP Solo Zone - Symbol Manager - Blacksmith - Class Master - Sub Class/Clans/Allliances Maximilian - .tvtjoin - .tvtleave - .getreward - .dressme - .bank - .engage - .divorce _________________________________________________________________________ So guys! i decide to sell my pack to someone who can handle better ,i dont have the money, neither the time to invest into a l2 server now and il go for interlude this time! !L2Era had 250 online players (190 real peak) ,it died because some issues like adena exploit which i fixed it but a bit late! ,.getreward was never working (this feature dont belong to me so i deleted it ,you still have the mass reward included which is more than enough and multiskill which i have finnaly fixed it), well i still got 410 euro donations in 2 weeks so now im not so sad! XD All bugs on live has been fixed now! If you will have problem! i will be here becuz if i can improve my pack is even better! My pack is clean and more classic (since i hate phoenix shit ,i only left tvt) ,and geodata stazis (perfect geodata ,tested lot of times ,u cant pass any wall) is included as well! Skype: l2era.skype Price: 60 Euro (oh if you think this is much for my pack and my features/npcs/balance, then dont hesitate to buy l2 eos crap) ,and if you pay more ,i can implement more features on this pack just like l2 eos crap ,easy thing to implement features... i am not selling this pack to people who dont care ,i need someone who wants a good pack with everything ready! so if you liked my server is good to know _________________________________________________________________________ If someone feels like spamming my topic ,im going to report immediately! For some pictures ,go here: http://l2era.com/forum/index.php?topic=10.0
  6. im waiting for someone who tested or a feedback if its true ,i buy for my hi5 ;p ,im using russian private source
  7. So i tryed tryed but i cannot find any ,i cant afford hours to waste only to search some npcs id through whole hi5 database... So far i have found only 2 "ok" npcs ids but i need much more... If you want to share me some ids ,i would appreciate!
  8. fixed already now ^^ off and cry! your shi t server wont even have 50 ppl on ,i guarantee you
  9. istigma you fail with your server and you try to make bad reputation here? why the fu** i would ruin my business for 1-2 retards And im going to fix this bug as soon as possible ,all will be ok tomorrow ,now stop spamming shits like ur all smart
  10. BUMP! 200+ online ,newbies everyday ,farm much easier and so on JOIN US!
  11. from your report its only trickster that have an issue which we are working on it ,but honesttly.. we dont need retarded players who advertise or make flame/abuse shout! true fact ,we dont need you ,go away and find better server we jail retarded players only ,less retards = better server ,dont you agree?
  12. 230+ online and growing ,JOIN US
  13. pacat de jocul asta Trebuia sa fi fost acolo sa lansez servere cand eram prin 2010-2011 de veneau 600-700 lejer pe un sv freya Azi nu ai sa vezi mai mult de 200... ,poate pe hi5! Nu inteleg care este motivul ,s-au bagat astia pe valiance toti? sau au disparut maniacii de pvp si acum decat astia de midrate o ramas
  14. EN: Anything else? RO: altceva? Crystals were the only items exploitable with adena ,we fixed now and you cry cuz you cannot abuse as well? sorry but we dont need that kind of players anyway ,players should report if theres something wrong right away ,not abuse and cry cuz he cant abuse loolll ,l2 community 2014 about starting zone ,my mistake ,i dont know why it didnt worked ,it was working before opening ,maybe i did a random setting on xml after save you do server if u can make better lool whos midnight? didnt knew midnight is ro! that guy was doing freya servers in 2011 not 2014 ,freya is dead client and im trying to ressurect it :)
  15. 2 days left untill opening! we got many people to join us! Vote on our banners to get more visitors ,thank you!
  16. tons of bugs? it was only solo zone & certi which are fixed by now ,before beta started i didnt had time to give a look in everything but i can assure you there are no bugs ,maybe you can say bad configurations which im working on it now. Don't give a bad recommandation before you see live ,thats why its called beta
  17. I dont remember newera but you can expect our server to be good too :) Enjoy your stay
  18. i never advertised on people social networks ,you must confuse me with my players My advertising goes on ranking sites and lineage forums only ,sorry if this happend to you Anyway ,UP! 3 days left untill opening
  19. Beta will open today at 18:00 GMT +2
  20. care mai jucati pe aici l2? :) *dar old style ,fara hi5/god/fara custom si asa mai departe* ;p http://l2era.com
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