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l2obscura last won the day on October 28 2014

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About l2obscura

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  1. Kara was reported many times and till now he still isn't banned. That is really strange if you ask me considering his scams (200€, 50€...) Will there be any action against this scammer?
  2. Chars - Items - Adena on https://l2elixir.com/ x3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters for sale - Bounty Hunter lvl 75 / 40€ [blank Char without Items or Adena] - Doomcryer lvl 78 with cov / 70€ [blank Char without Items or Adena] - Swordsinger lvl 77 / 40€ [blank Char without Items or Adena] - Bladedancer lvl 77 / 40€ [blank Char without Items or Adena] - Warsmith lvl 70 with B and A grade recipes registered(Tallum,DC,DLE,Tallum...) [blank Char without Items or Adena] Price will rise with lvl. _______________________________________________________________ Items for sale 1x Tallum heavy set = 25€ 1x DC robe set = 25€ _______________________________________________________________ Adena Adena is not available right now! coming soon... All characters are registered on a seperate E-mail. Once you purchase a char I will provide you the E-mail information too. Log into the E-mail i provided you and change your E-mail + in game password. (GMX Mail) Once you change your E-mail + game password i will lose the access. _______________________________________________________________ Payment - Paypal Gift only _______________________________________________________________ Im Vip member of Mxc since 2014 and i made many sales till this day which should tell enough about my trustworthiness If you still have trust issues you should not contact me. If you have any question you can pm me any time.
  3. WTT Paypal money for Bitcoin. Looking for a 60€ trade pm me
  4. Chars - Items - Adena on L2evoke.net ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters for sale - Doomcryer lvl 79 with cov and magnus / 100€ [blank Char without Items or Adena] - Bladedancer lvl 77 / 60€ [blank Char without Items or Adena] - Elven Elder lvl 77 / 80€ [blank Char without Items or Adena] Price will rise with lvl. _______________________________________________________________ Items for sale 1x DC Robe set +3 = 30€ _______________________________________________________________ Adena NO ADENA AVAILABLE NOW! All characters are registered on a seperate E-mail. Once you purchase a char I will provide you the E-mail information too. Log into the E-mail i provided you and change your E-mail + in game password. Once you change your E-mail + game password i will lose the access. _______________________________________________________________ Payment - Paypal Gift only _______________________________________________________________ If you have any question let me know. Pm me
  5. you sir have no idea. I rly don't understand your agression. I sold adena 10 minutes ago... stop this nonsense.
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/215328-selling-char-adena-items-on-l2evoke/?p=2639221 user: efegue efegue might not like what i do but that doesn't give him the rights to spread lies in my topic and ruin my sales! please delete this comment since it got nothing to do with anything...
  7. Adrenaline Used Official Key 10€ - Unlimited Version

  8. Selling official adrenaline key - Unlimited Windows version - 23 Days left. 10€ via paypal gift option. pm me
  9. win 10 lizenz for 12€

  10. (WTT) Paypal 17€ for 15$ WMZ

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