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Everything posted by Firkragg

  1. Hi, i would like to sell acount with: Hell knight - 2x subclass Vorpal set + shield - earth/dark/ ressitance Frintezza necklace Vorpal+ Vesper jewels Vesper cutter price for all: 15euro i accept: paypal, bitcoin skype: demonl2cr or pm here
  2. WTS SUMONNER - Elemntal- LVL 83- VERY CHEAP FULL A 22kk Adena premium account for more 2 weeks. conntact; Msg here skype; demonl2cr Payment methods: paypal bitcoin I just want to get rid of this char, I can give 1 more: Phantom sumonner, but his level is lower. Very cheap, i just ask for some $$ for spending time epxing it, nothing more.
  3. MU account is 4 years old here, you ddint even existed when it was made, dont spam my topic. Items sold //close
  4. whats wrong with title?
  5. WTS adena stock 180kk WTS vesper noble set robe [atributed 60 all parts ] pm here or skype: demonl2cr CHEAP/ TRUSTED
  6. wtb adr 1 BOCX LIMIT
  7. BEST server EVEr, around 10k online! NO BOTS
  8. i wnated ahcylek i got anmxc some crap, /sadface
  9. sakers call the gad of hate: Achylek xd
  10. Yo Achylek is there any way to conntact you, sience u BLOCK all pms?
  11. WTS Bischop 85, noblesss 3 subs: TANK SUMONER WC Vesper noble set +6/+7; cloak frintezy, +4 shirt cp, +4 vorpal shield, jewels +4 vesper, +4 freya neckl, 3 weapons +4 vesper acumen, with augument NUKE 160 - 210 atrybiuted 7 BILION ADENA 300 FA [FEstival aDena] (SOLD} Skills +12/15 pm me here or in: demonl2cr
  12. Hello I would like to sell: Warlord 85 [moirai heavy] [7e] Necro 80+ [5e] Sorc 85 + [5e] EE 80+ [5e] Spoiler 85 [5e] Crafter 70+ [Moirai heavy learned] [1kkk+ lot of mats , 1k CBP/1k SOP/ CL/ etc ] {7e} REALLY CHEAP! no scam, check my profile, 100% trusted, pm at skype: demonl2ct
  13. WTS ANY KIND OF C GRADE TOP WEAPONS, Server: l2 classic eu {Skelth} main site: https://eu.4game.com/lineage2classic for more informations pm me at skype: demonl2cr If you need Adena/Set armors, we can discuss it also! I'm trusted seller, no scam, 100% w/o problems for entire time on maxcheaters.com
  14. pm me at demonl2cr. skypee^^^
  15. Achy can u upload new a.dll? I got old one
  16. Hello I would like to sell chars like: Bd lvl76 [12e] + dog lvl 70+ Sws lvl74 [5e] + dog lvl 70+ WC lvl75 [15e] + dog lvl 70+ [after paliaka he hit 76] Spoiler lvl74 [15e] SOLD Crafter lvl70 [20e] SOLD EE lvl 76 [20e] SOLD Necro lvl 77 [22e] SOLD Hell knight 78 lvl, [10e] subclas lvl 72 + 600 RuR You can conntact me via skype: demonl2cr or by PM here. Also I have 300kk Adena to Sell, pretty cheap ALL SOLD <============
  17. Noone Scams here. I'm "overpricing" 2nd: I'll change the price soon. because prices of RUR are changing everyday
  18. WTS Adena at RPG x7 Victory Server. Price: Depends how many you take IN STOCK= 500kk Conntact me via: Skype: demonl2cr MSG here/post If you want to discuss price, I'm open for offers. PRICE CHANGED AND UPDATED.
  19. Hi, Can someone give me short lesson how to setup pet resusrection? I did setup resusrecton for him, but i dont know how to setup "accept" my char is jsut spaminng ress on him, but it dosent "accept" Can someone help me? Also I would like to ask if there is such an optin to spoil 1 type of mobs, and all other around just kill- or need script for that. And last Q: Spoiler has a chance to trigger 2 buffs while hes attacking, is there any way to setup using it properly I mean: While triggers are on, spam skills like: Fatal strike Crushing Strike
  20. WTs on Dex, chars like: Spoiler 74 [pailaka avaible] EE 79 [3rd class done] Sorc 79[3rd class done] 20e e.Sumonner 60+ [only for summon, nothing else] 5e Overlord= > 79 BladeDancer=> 79 + lot of sh1t items. AM heads DB shafts other S grade parts also lot of: SoP DmP Crafter leathers Adena: 800kk====> in STOCK price: 5e/100kk BONUS: if you buy all ADENA, +300 ToD for free!!!! Adena SOLD! if You want to discuss price, pm me or skype: demonl2cr ALL SOLD! THANK YOU MAXCHATERS! :]
  21. Someoone other payd more on pm's Sorry for late, i check'd everything today. /close
  22. Hi I'm selling chars on l2 Dex Wrath x5 server wich is up from like 1 week. I have 100kk Adenas + WTS Bladancer lvl 77 WTS Warlord lvl 79 The price for these things togheter starts from 10Euros, who binds more he wins, 48hours waiting for offers good luck.
  23. Hello I'm using both adrenalins: 1.71 1.61 and i cannt bypass the l2dex shield. name: "Lineage II EXTShield" the problem is when is "hold" this program in processExplorer, bot works for like 3-5 mins after that my all windows getting Dc. Seems like they updated it, any info about that?
  24. 1 day left till the auction ends, waiting for more offers :]
  25. Alright, if noone gona give more soon, all chars+items are yours :]
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