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About Firkragg

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  1. Hi, i would like to sell acount with: Hell knight - 2x subclass Vorpal set + shield - earth/dark/ ressitance Frintezza necklace Vorpal+ Vesper jewels Vesper cutter price for all: 15euro i accept: paypal, bitcoin skype: demonl2cr or pm here
  2. WTS SUMONNER - Elemntal- LVL 83- VERY CHEAP FULL A 22kk Adena premium account for more 2 weeks. conntact; Msg here skype; demonl2cr Payment methods: paypal bitcoin I just want to get rid of this char, I can give 1 more: Phantom sumonner, but his level is lower. Very cheap, i just ask for some $$ for spending time epxing it, nothing more.
  3. MU account is 4 years old here, you ddint even existed when it was made, dont spam my topic. Items sold //close
  4. whats wrong with title?
  5. WTS adena stock 180kk WTS vesper noble set robe [atributed 60 all parts ] pm here or skype: demonl2cr CHEAP/ TRUSTED
  6. wtb adr 1 BOCX LIMIT
  7. BEST server EVEr, around 10k online! NO BOTS
  8. i wnated ahcylek i got anmxc some crap, /sadface
  9. sakers call the gad of hate: Achylek xd
  10. Yo Achylek is there any way to conntact you, sience u BLOCK all pms?
  11. WTS Bischop 85, noblesss 3 subs: TANK SUMONER WC Vesper noble set +6/+7; cloak frintezy, +4 shirt cp, +4 vorpal shield, jewels +4 vesper, +4 freya neckl, 3 weapons +4 vesper acumen, with augument NUKE 160 - 210 atrybiuted 7 BILION ADENA 300 FA [FEstival aDena] (SOLD} Skills +12/15 pm me here or in: demonl2cr
  12. Hello I would like to sell: Warlord 85 [moirai heavy] [7e] Necro 80+ [5e] Sorc 85 + [5e] EE 80+ [5e] Spoiler 85 [5e] Crafter 70+ [Moirai heavy learned] [1kkk+ lot of mats , 1k CBP/1k SOP/ CL/ etc ] {7e} REALLY CHEAP! no scam, check my profile, 100% trusted, pm at skype: demonl2ct
  13. WTS ANY KIND OF C GRADE TOP WEAPONS, Server: l2 classic eu {Skelth} main site: https://eu.4game.com/lineage2classic for more informations pm me at skype: demonl2cr If you need Adena/Set armors, we can discuss it also! I'm trusted seller, no scam, 100% w/o problems for entire time on maxcheaters.com
  14. pm me at demonl2cr. skypee^^^
  15. Achy can u upload new a.dll? I got old one
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