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About xElitenoob

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. i will join too . hope server population more than 3k and good clans
  2. 2nd season opened 1/2/2013 and closed about octomber 2013 and now its the 3rd season :)
  3. https://www.facebook.com/L2Cleaver?ref=ts&fref=ts www.l2cleaver.com cya there
  4. Grand Opening 2014 Info Advanced PvP Zones at Epic Bosses Queen Ant Zone limited to 31-49 lvl characters. Core Zone limited to 41-59 lvl characters. Orfen Zone limited to 41-59 lvl characters. Zaken Zone limited to 51-69 lvl characters. Baium Zone from 13th floor up. Antharas Zone inside Lair and around the Heart. Valakas Zone inside Lair and around the Heart. Frintezza - zone haven't been added yet. Major changes Warning Olympiad Fights will start at 07.02.2014 18:00 (week after start) Sieges will start at 08.02.2014 20:00 (week after start) Character during delevel will no longer keep skills from higher level. Completly reworked Artificial Intelligence(AI) for: Queen Ant Orfen Zaken Baium Refreshed conquerable clanhall sieges. Devasted Castle Partisan Hideway Bandit Stronghold *Detailed patch notes are unavailable. Server Machine Doubled 2x Intel Xeon E3-1240V3 3.4 Ghz x4(x2) RAM 32 GB DDR3 ECC HDD 4x 1TB - SATA3 Internet 10Gbps Gameplay Rates RateXp = 30 RateSp = 30 RatePartyXp = 1,5 RateDropItems = 20 RateSpoilItems = 15 RateRaidDropItems = 20 RateQuestDrop = 10 EnchantMaxWeapon = 16 EnchantMaxArmor = 16 EnchantMaxJewelry = 16 Enchant rate : 66% for all type of scrolls Class change 1st - No quest needed - cost 100,000 adena. 2nd - No quest needed - cost 1,000,000 adena. 3rd - No quest needed - cost 30,000,000 adena. Subclass No quest needed - free Up to 4 subclasses Retail like: Cannot add Dark Elf subclass on Elf character. Cannot add Elf subclass on Dark Elf character. Cannot add the same type class as subclass (eg only 1 archery class). Buffs Buffs Time - 1 hour Summon Buffs Time - 5 minutes NPC Buffer Classic NPC Buffer Shemes Buff slots 24(+4) NPC Buffer doesn't include buffs like: Summon buffs eg Blessing of Queen Resists eg Dance of Aquaguard Olympiad Olympiad period : 2 weeks Olympiad min players: 9 (Non-Classed) Unique antifeed system Instant macros for Armor Sets Rules : retail like Classic features 100% of skills working including all of Symbols Dualbox/Multibox is allowed Dedicated Geodata GM Shop up to B-Grades GM Shop trading SealStones Global Gatekeeper Merchant of Mammon in town Blacksmith of Mammon in town Player's spawn protect: 15 sec Autolearn skills Mana Drugs Shop restriction areas in towns: Giran Rune Aden Goddard Special Features Advanced antibot system Anti L2Walker/L2Tower/L2Net system Unique support contact system [FAQ] Unique voting system [FAQ] Experienced staff Donations limited to: Player Name/Gender change Clan name change Nobless, Life stones, Adena, Soul Crystal for weapon SA, Basic premium account, Hair accesories, and some more NOT powerfull items. * Item list and prices can be checked only in game at NPC Donate/Vote Shop placed in main towns. (in my opinion best server last 3 years is coming back! cya there nerds)
  5. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/563763_566175456744620_1860108427_n.jpg last season 3rd day
  6. i can inform you guys last cleaver was very good no corruption many pvps a lot of ppl about 3.5k on opening the only bad was on 2nd week stay offline for 3-4 days cause of some change he make.. +1 mabout cleaver for me cya there
  7. +1 great server great clans join every year hope it will remind us like old days!!
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