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About bombellos

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  1. siema zbuchu, jaka cena?
  2. PM price for SWS and for BD please, w/o items
  3. PM the price for SWS please, thanks.
  4. Hi, I want to buy Light Crossbow on Giran NCSOFT Server. Either paypal or trade for adena in game (make me an offer).
  5. Verified, I bought pwlvl and then Adena. Very responsive on skype.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but where do you call functions: buyShot, buyMp and buffCheck in your loop??? At first: put Result:= false after "begin" in each function. Change range from 5000 to like 15000(if still won't work make path to get closer to the teleport NPC). Also I recommend to put this: delay(150); //town coordinates range //buff id wich check //shot id //mp id if user.inrange(144925, -56215, -2974, 5000) and User.Buffs.ByID(1062, buffCheck) and Inventory.User.ByID(1463, BuyShot) and Inventory.User.ByID(728, BuyMP) then begin Print('Teleport.'); delay(1000); Engine.SetTarget('Marianne'); ///gatekeeper engine.dlgopen; delay(1000); Engine.DlgSel('Towns Areas'); delay(1000); Engine.DlgSel('Goddard Area'); delay(1000); Engine.DlgSel('Imperial Tomb'); delay(1000); end; in a function, and call this function after rbf or shopping is done.
  7. Check if you don't have assist option checked also in combat zone put it to manual and set radius.
  8. Try this: var i : Integer; begin For i := 0 to 8 do engine.SetTarget(Party.Chars.Items(i).name); delay(1000); end.
  9. Correct syntax of "while" is: while not User.Dead do begin delay(150); //your code here //your code here //your code here //your code here end;
  10. Engine.GameClose(); This is what you're looking for. Unfortunately it will not save you from jail - tested :)
  11. Adrenaline script for farming on Greater Evils Hello! I have a script for all of you for sale. It's 100% made by me and fully working on L2Tales server. All you need is Bishop/EE/SE on lvl 76 and with Turn Undead on +3 at least. Features: Autobuff and rebuff (using normal mage scheme or Custom one) Our character comes back to the farming spot when killed. Our character goes to the city to resupply(s.ore/BSSC) Our character goes to the city in order to send mail(to the given name) with items we farmed (in this case is Holy Stones and Adena) Script also includes AutoCaptcha alert - your game window will pop up and you will hear a sound of an alert. How to buy: Interested people please write on my email: l2scriptme@gmail.com with your main character name(need for sending the emails by script) and your HWID (you can read it when clickin on the Lock icon(see the attached image). I'm accepting only PayPal. Price: 5€ PS. Soon I will post a video while using the script.
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